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Posts posted by Mark

  1. Jack I was not comparing this with Milweb, its just that as you say it is very powerful and very set in the community, what I was trying to say (I am from Kent remember) if we could get as many traders as they have then we will be doing good, if however we have interactive traders then we will be one better. I hope that explains my rambling, if not then I will shuffle back into my garage and kick the chassis :?

  2. It sounds like a great idea Jack, I for one am comfortable sitting here ordering parts and the more people say that someone is good etc. the better it is for everyone, BUT! you will be going up against Milweb who are very established and on most people's tongue, so if we can get to that stage or more then :D



  3. Hi All

    Any of you clever bods out there ever used Nitromoors to strip paint off their MV, if so is it any good, and where can I purchase some from, I need to get the paint of my jeep body, chassis and engine.

    All ideas appreciated.



  4. HI

    Just had our monthly meeting for the IMPS and one of our members owns a gunshop selling de-ac weapons, he stood up and told us that the government has back tracked on our hobby saying that we should be okay to carry on as we are and the bill will not affect us. He is still urging us to write our letters to government as before to keep up the pressure, but it is looking better for our hobby.



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