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Posts posted by chevpol

  1. This may sound strange, but does anybody collect military number plates? (originals, repro ones for your vehicles dont count!!)


    With and without flash, the bottom one is a bit strange with the flash, I dont think the Colorado hasnt been issued, no month or year stamps.


    Anyway, comments etc!!!


    Mark :cool:



  2. How about the J**p is my car, I shall not want another.

    It maketh me lie down in damp places.

    It anointeth my head with oil.

    Yeah though I drive in the valley of Dodges, I feel no evil.



    Dinner times over back to 'earning a pitance!





    Mark :cool:

  3. Mark a great site !! and a fine example of the post- WW2 Fordson Sussex heavy ambulance.

    I suspect this is the one Mike is looking for ??







    thats why I posted it, either it isnt the one, or Mike cant find it?


    Mark :cool:


    PS, glad you like the site!!!

  4. Whilst on the subject of driving licenses, it you have type 2 NIDDM diabeties you have to inform the DVLA Swansea. This was not a requirement before unless you were a Type ! requiring insulin. Being a type 2 I asked the Diabeties Association as it had appeared on a list of medical conditions on the DVLA's license application booklet that they have to be informed about, something like 20 plus categories. They knew nothing about it as the Diabeties Association had niether been consulted or informed of this requirement. If the DVLA's medical officer decides to withdraw your license you CANNOT appeal. It states this fact on the letter you get back from the DVLA.


    Get a copy of the booklet you could have a condition that is listed.


    The Swansea 'Black shirts' are watching you!






    Phil P




    I am type 2, but diet controlled, is that on list?



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