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Everything posted by LarryH57

  1. I have a theory; The fact that the USAAF used Follow Me vehicles, and the RAF didn't is down to the different ways the US had in dealing with situations compared to a more reserved ways of us British. Being the arsenal of democracy the USA had an almost endless supply of vehicles, so I image the CO of any USAAF base would just say "Get one of these Jeeps marked up and in use right away" and seeing as every unit was invariably equipped with Jeeps, Dodges and GMCs it didn't really matter to take one for this role. Whereas the RAF having to make do with all manner of vehicle types, none of which would make an ideal Follow Me vehicle. Obviously the specialist refueller trucks, crash tenders, ambulances, cranes, and bomb tractors would be out of the question for such a Follow Me role, and that would leave just GS vehicles in 8cwt, 15cwt, 30cwt and 3 ton capacity. But the fact is that in WW2 the RAF could not afford to take one of these vehicles and use it for just one purpose only. Also I'd image the RAF CO saying you can't mark up that Tilly as a Follow Me vehicle as I need it to visit Group HQ (and the pub & girlfriend etc.)
  2. Someone find a photo of a real RAF 'Follow Me' vehicle in WW2, as I don't believe they existed
  3. Strangely the attached WW2 'health and safety' poster for the RAF spotted on eBay shows a yellow follow me Jeep, so someone must know if the RAF had any such vehicles in WW2? Obviously the creator didn't know much about RAF camo and markings at the time! Could it by chance be a postwar poster?
  4. Take it from me that the solid 8 gun nose B-25 Mitchells were not employed by the RAF, plus I have found no evidence of their use in NW Europe or the Mediterranean by any other Allied Air Force.
  5. BTW - Once 'Just Jane' Lancaster gets airborne, would the Canadians mind coming back in their Lancaster for another summer so we can see a three Lancaster formation, not seen in the UK forthe best part of 70 years I guess.
  6. If so then its not appropriate to give it D-Day stripes! Much better would be to paint it as something operating in the South West Pacific!
  7. Its a fact that the USAAF based in the UK used a variety of Jeeps and Dodges, as Airfield Follow Me vehicles in WW2, and yet there is not much evidence of such vehicles being used by the RAF in the UK. I can only guess the idea was a unique solution 'invented' by the USAAF so thats why you will not find an RAF vehicle dressed for such a role in the 1939-42 period of operations against the Axis in NW Europe. Over the years I have had contact with serveral USAAF P-47D pilots operating from Advance Landing Grounds and they have explained that when they had a maximum effort of three Squadrons in the Group plus spares and those acting as radio comms links, that when circa fifty P-47Ds came back to the strip it made sense to have a Follow Me Jeep so as the Sqns were not mixed up on dispersal. Units flying the B-17, B-24 etc also seem to have used them. Therefore why is it that the RAF didn't use such vehicles to any great extent? Could it be all RAF pilots had a set drill to follow on landing that negated their use? Any photos of RAF Follow Me vehicles would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Enough said on this now! But thanks for the input
  9. Before this Morris ends up being painted green, can you tell me the year of manufacture, as for a fairly long period of WW2 circa early 1942 to late 1943 / early 1944 vehicles were painted with a base coat of SCC.2 brown, typically overwhich a black or dark brown 'micky mouse ear' camo paint scheme was painted.
  10. I also had two uncles killed by the Germans in WW2. Plus me and my family have variously been to Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and Bergen Belsen, so its not as if we don't care. Its just if you are offended then stay away. I just hope it isn't the end of the show. And out of interest do people ever get offended by East German Border Guard re-enactors? Why don't the public get offended by re-enactors dressed in Russian uniforms applicable to annexation of half of Poland 1939, Katyn Forrest 1940, Hungry 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968 etc.
  11. Who saw todays Sun newspaper, complaining about Laycock at War and the fact that there were German re-enactors present etc. It must have been a slow news day! In other news on page 999... Women complains about a Lancaster flying over Lincolnshire. "How insensitive of the RAF to fly one of these near my home. My grandfather was killed in one of those during the war over Germany". Tomorrow how a women plans to protest at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day, as war is horrible and should not be remembered!
  12. Is MERLIN on line? Can anyone add a link to it so I may have a look at details for my own Lwt, that was built in 1980 but has DBG coloured parts, such as the vent panel.
  13. So Clive, you have a buyer for your Shorland ?
  14. Thats good news as I remember some owners getting a bit worried. As for Russian Military I guess they might sell rather than hire out a 9m113
  15. I think sanctions are on the EXPORT from the EU and USA etc to Russia. I have not read that anything being imported from Russia is being banned, except of course the Russians may have imposed a counter-embargo on the EU and USA etc. Anything in the EU already may be shipped to the UK, with the previso that its not a weapon. How would 9m 113 missile launch tubes be treated if you happened to be stopped by the police on the way to an event. Are they like those smoke launchers on Ferret Armoured Cars where you need a firearms licence?
  16. As far as I'm aware from mates with Russian kit there are plenty of suppliers in former Soviet block nations (that are now in the EU) and also Ukraine too which is not a problem in sending parts to UK. You may wish to name the other type of vehicle(s) you own or are interested in or is it just BRDM-2
  17. Ruxy, As you know I still after some 6.50 x 16 size tyres to replace by Deestones
  18. Thanks Ruxy, The Speedo has been working fine for the last 14 years of ownership, so I suspect it might need a bit of maintenance. I note prices for PRC 2605 are extortionate!
  19. BTW - my speedo was in Km/h on the outer ring rather than MPH but I guess the standard arrangement would still read the correct speed?
  20. Well thanks for the manual; presumably someone will sell the parts if the internals are broken. As for the speedo cable I think it is good as the mileage still works and the speedo still flicks around on the speed - would it do so if the cable was broke. I assume it would just be dead?
  21. The speedometer in my Lwt decided on the way home from WPR, not to work properly. It still counts the milage but the speed sticks at about 20mph until I go over 50mph when it sort of shows the right speed. In truth I know my speed by the noise it makes but I presume its needed for an MOT later in the year, though how they would know if it doesn't go on the rolling road to test the transmission (hand) brake is anyones guess! I have been told it may be a broken spring inside it so before I order a new one, and remove the existing, is it possible to take a Lwt Speedo apart and mend it? The speedo I need has the lights in it for oil pressure, beam and the choke.
  22. Chris, The first shot you posted showing the side of the drivers position, might the pipe be a step up to the turret for a Crusader, or a guard to stop something being bashed. Quite intriguing!
  23. I saw this on youtube. There are are quite a few T-34s that look good enough to restore, though its hard to tell if they are restored to monument standard already, so aren't actually abandoned. Strangely there is Panzer IV in one shot that I guess was photographed circa 1946 - if it recent I want the location now! The same appies to a Tiger tank after about 11 mins in this video.
  24. In Christchurch, Dorset yesterday, I saw an early Mk of Spitfire (in green and brown camo) doing a display, I think in aid of RNLI. What was nice was that the routine appeared to be quite long compared to the typical flyby twice and clear off kind of appearance I have seen at a few MV shows. I guess it lasted 15 mins and afterwards the Spitfire headed off in the direction of the IOW. But are any Spits based there such as at Bembridge?
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