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Everything posted by SebBrady

  1. Its already in the UK so I assume something was sorted to get it here but I shall head over to hmrc website now...:coffee:
  2. This is what I'm thinking with no paperwork where would you start to get documents that need to register, saying that I don't even know what documents I'd even need to start filling in the V55, never done it before, rookie honour i suppose....
  3. Pretty sure its Belgium, the faded white and faint Belgium flag in the front give it away somewhat. Will this affect registration... I don't know terribly much about scorpions. Seb
  4. Hi all just a quick question really how easy are CVR(T)s to road register? Has anyone had experience to give me pointers or is it simply now a no go? Vehicle in question is a scorpion. Cheers all Seb.
  5. being young and all and spending a bit of time on fb as is stereotypical i can give it a go, albeit if someone can sorta say whats expected and what to do im sure i can have a go. Seb
  6. "Witam!" ( i think thats what it is) Hope you find what youre looking for, any pictures of your ferret? Seb.
  7. Ive got the key but never knew that i shall give definately keep one of my old spare ones around as an incase measure. Thank you!
  8. Hindle have quoted me for yorkshire wartime experience so shall give him another email asking for another quote see how it goes. Is Rex on the forum here to drop him a message? Seb
  9. @SHarky shall drop you a text later on in the day Seb
  10. Forgive me for sounding stupid but i cannot do this task for the life of me if anyone could help thatd be great So was going to check some oil levels today and trying to get the final drive cap off today as it looks like some has been leaking out somewhere/somehow so wanted to check the levels see how they are getting on and i couldnt for the life of me get the cap off, it looks in good nice alan key for it all is fine and does the other caps no problem. Wondering if theres a little trick in this case or an extra length of scaffolding pole should help nudge it off, All help appreciated. Seb
  11. Hi andy seen them but with them based in Boulton dont want to be paying for them to stay in dover with me, so id end up paying 4 trips on their quote, i have already got a quote with them however for yorkshire wartime experience which should be alright but thank you anyway
  12. Hi all, just wondering about nipping down to W&P ive never been before but been told its an amazing show, and therefore was wondering if i could attend then show and maybe even bring down my 434, albeit not that impressive compared to some of the armour that they have there. Anyway to cut my story short does anyone have experience of transporting their armour down there im based in the north about 30miles south west of manchester. , just so i can get an idea of cost of what it would be like to send the vehicle down there with myself obviously and if any persons know a good haulier so i can get saving! All help appreciated. Seb
  13. My top 5 favourites id say have to be and in probably this order are: 1) Battle of Britain 2) Das boot 3) Fortress of War (subbed) 4) We were soldiers 5) K19 the widowmaker (Not a warfilm as such but military all the same) Seb
  14. What do you mean when you mean directly to this forum? just post bits up to this thread? And i know its not a tank, just a lot easier than putting REME vehicle or what not... missing some rather prominant features for it to be a true 'tank' Recovery wise we arn't about on the road in it yet however in the event of a breakdown where we are storing I am able to use the recovery vehicle we use for recovering broken down buses with some heavy duty tow ropes, its not far back into the warehouse where we store her so no problems there I also have access to a low loader with heavy duty winch capable of about 25 tons, again we use for the buses so quite handy being involved restoring about 15 routemaster buses haha! Seb
  15. I dont know if someone has mentioned this or not but im new into all this historic vehicle owning and when i was looking around for a new toy i had my eyes set on either two ways, A tracked vehicle such as a 430 series (which i went on to buy) or some russian wheeled vehicle, probably a BTR-60, however i only passed my test Dec 2011 and this would massively hinder my choice after doing some research and going to the local office, with all the new changes i cant touch anything above 3.5 Tonnes in weight unless i had the relative category, which meant on my Cat B no BTR 60 for me. Then catergory H became a problem with different ages allowing you different weights, thankfully i was 21 recently which allowed me to then drive a FV434 on the roads, so like youve said with classic bus etc you need a PCV license to go on and get the BTR60 on the road. I know its a bit late on the thread but thought id post up my experience in the hope someone else may benefit.... Seb
  16. Thanks guys and i shall have a quick nosey through them! I cannot think of a better thing to own at this age! Got to give the dad credit for bringing me up and drilling his interests into my head! And i must admit it is great fun but yes i have a niggly feeling this will spiral out of control.... but when was that such a bad thing?
  17. Hi all, thought I would post up about the vehicle! To be honest with you im completely new into this and often branded nuts due to my age! haha. Not often you get someone going out to buy a tank over a fast car or some holiday to spain! So onto the tank! :angel: I recently purchased a FV434 from a collector which is from 1968 and ending service i believe in 2007. I really dont know much more about the history but thats on the to do card. There is me primarily involved in keep this thing up and running however a lovely rookie bunch of friends are all to willing to help and was sort of a joint idea to start a bit of a blog, mainly at first as somewhere we could put all the pictures we take but also as a little record of the things we are getting up to. Ill provide the link here to the blog so you can nip over and then see all the pictures, most are at lovely high res so no tiny thumbnails or anything. Anyhow ill stop rambling but hope you enjoy it! Blog is here: http://02ed31.blogspot.co.uk/
  18. Just read through this, such an amazing job on this!
  19. Shall have a look there now also going down to the yard tonight so shall get some pictures tonight for you all to see the new toy Cheers Seb
  20. ah brilliant just the experience im needing seems as i am a complete rookie! thanks sharky. Sure youre going to be my first port of call if the manuals text starts to run around the page or confuse me! Determined to learn as much as i possibly can. Seb
  21. Thanks always wanted something with tracks so no hesitation when one came within my price range haha. had it out on the weekend ran amazingly but tucked away indoors whilst this rain is here but lost a pad so i thought i best start collecting them haha! Look forward to speaking to everyone around and ill take some more pictures when im next at the yard and post it up so you can all see it. Thanks Seb
  22. Hello all, basically ive seen this forum a few times but never got around to registering i have no idea why to be honest but i have now! Always had an interest in military vehicles from a young age and after some saving and scraping got my hands on an FV434 which i felt like a very big kid, shall post up pictures later or what not. Looking forward to looking around this forum and seeing what every one else has got and any advice if there is some to be had. Thanks Seb
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