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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Thanks 6X6, the problem looks pretty obvious looking at those pics, and there's no give anywhere, it was, in theory, doomed from the start :-( Have a look at this page for chapter and verse on the subject. http://www.machineservice.com/technical.htm scroll down to Driveshaft Vibrations
  2. Right again Mike, he drove NGY 593 which was the better one. The other one NGY 592 only made it from Watford to Newark because the center prop bearing went, this kept on happening. Vibration was always a fault with both of them around 28-30 mph, over 30 all was well until the speed dropped to 30 again, sound like propshafts to me! Going by the reg nos it would have been 1953 ish And the better one still lives
  3. Mike, there was an article in the Scammell Owners Club magazine by the chap who collected one of two new military constructors, one was OK but the other had bad vibration problems, it was returned to the works but came out again just as bad! I'll the magazine out and refresh my memory, I think maybe the reg nos. are mentioned.
  4. This one was owned by East Sussex County Council and driven by John Rebbeck, it is shown towing Forceful when he was Petrol powered, not because he was broken down but because John always prefers to arrive at W & P with something dangling :-D John now owns it and what was once green became blue, and then good taste prevailed and it is now green again :thumbsup:
  5. As far as I know, (Mike may well know different) everything except the output shaft (mainshaft in Scammell parlance) is interchangeable, hence I re-used the one from my old box. If the old one had been completely unserviceable it would have been a real problem for me, but as it was for my limited use, it was OK. I don't know about different ratios etc. The g/box casings are not interchangeable as the transfer box fixings differ.
  6. Scammell Explorer recovering a 432 that has thrown a track, he would have loved to help.
  7. My ladder was bought as new at W & P a few years ago for a tenner, it is almost weightless, and has lugs under the top step to fit into sockets presumably on a vehicle or more likely a plane. Maybe it was made for you but not supplied! It's great for little kids as I tell them they can get inside if they can move the really heavy ladder, they then of course run around waving it above their head, "look mum, look!"
  8. I haven't tried yet, I think it can be done through some camcorders but not the type I have, think I need a video capture card. I have a few VHS that I would like to transfer so I will look into it.
  9. I have it on VHS, called Army Kinematograph Service Films, Scammell Recovery, bought through Vintage Commecial Vehicles magazine a long time ago.
  10. Description of vehicle, Para 1: ............it is capable of hauling a towed load of 15 tons. :shocked: Perhaps another reason for Explorer boxes having an ever so slightly longer life, but then only under the watchful eye of a jobs worth!
  11. Thanks for that Graeme, any idea what the vehicle is parked in it's shadow? It has a look of a Scammell, but I'm not too sure.
  12. While at Magnificent Motors show on Eastbourne seafront with my Explorer last weekend a chap who had driven Explorers in service came over and looked longingly up at the drivers seat, I told him he could get in but he thought his poor old knees wouldn't let him, it was too high. Luckily I carry a small ladder for just such occasions and so, with a little help, he sat at the wheel grinning his head off and saying things like "There's a Saracen in the ditch up the road, lets go and get it, and then the upside down Ferret round the corner!" It's a simple thing that can make many an Old Soldier's day, mums feel it's safer for their kids as well, so if you can, please carry a small ladder if you own a high vehicle.
  13. After you have fabricated a perfect replica side cover, it should be distressed to look right, the correct and easiest way is to leave it on the ground and drive over it. However in your case perhaps this job should be left to your 101 as he will be upset at the huge cuckoo in the nest and would relish the chance to get even! Best if you pretend not to see him doing it and then act really baffled and annoyed!
  14. Well they're heavily involved in keeping Scammells alive, certainly got a lot of kit there, respect!
  15. Sorry mike didn't put that very well, it didn't sell on ebay and was sold later privately, the link is dead now.
  16. Fitted For Snow Plough, I presume, mine was at Air Flight Ranges Div, T&EE Larkhill latterly, but may well have been used for bully boy route clearance as the coupling shaft was twisted, this may have led to the demise of the rubber bits! here is another of the six in that contract 9870, also used to sport a snow plough.
  17. Looks to me like another flat top Cummins in there, any chance of getting some pics of the bell housing conversion next time Andy? also looks to be this one that didn't sell on ebay recently and pictured later here no fear of compromising the front axle movement with the air cleaner then, but I see the new owner has improved the forward visibility a bit!
  18. Hi Bazza, just a word of caution re the cab lying on its back, a friend of mine did the floor repairs and welding on a bedford cab in that position and when we put it back upright the door opening had become narrower and the doors didn't fit back in. Maybe best to tack a temp prop in if using any heat.
  19. I couldn't have put it better myself 6X6, exactly the way I worked with mine, I did the cab first then took all the wheels off did all the brakes etc.but always made sure it was still usable after that, doing little bits at a time, Best to keep it rolling if you don't want to loose momentum. Bit like the forth bridge on wheels!
  20. Our Rayburn keeps going out due to the coalman selling me a load of Anthrashyte
  21. Hi Duncan, good to see you here, don't forget to post a pic of your Scammell playground, just to make us poor crowded southerners weep!
  22. Yup, you're right there Nick,1993, I could have had the snowplough as well, but as it was rather large and pointy and Swansea said it would be "deemed to be a burden in the vehicle" I declined the offer,
  23. You won't find any scientific facts to back any of this up, no more than you will regarding telepathy and such. We Scammell lovers just know it's true, we feel it, it's an instinct! Dragging a reluctant one home like this seldom works as the Scammell beckoned the wrong man (not me), who although he loved trucks had his head turned by that damned yankee stuff stuff, and it is laying in the grass waiting again! Have you ever had a premonition that you are about to have deja voux? BTW this is not off topic, it's fundamental stuff.
  24. Quite so, well observed, mine had been coyly hiding behind some boxes until he noticed me passing by, others have been found sunning themselves in long grass and behind bushes, keeping well hidden, only to sit up when the right person comes by, comunicating with a dry squeaking sound a bit like rusty tin moving in the wind at the right moment. The one Andy posted earlier captioned "Some just return to nature!" has in fact spotted him , poor thing doesn't know that he already has one in his recovery ward.
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