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Posts posted by Bazz



    Congrats Mate,


    Never been to a birth of my own kids, 1st I was in NI, 2nd I was stationed at Bovington wife and family in Durham. Have helped to deliver 2 others though when I was a Army Medic, 1 in an Ambulance on the way to hospital.





    Thers has been many reports of vehicles recovered from lakes in Eastern Europe, that were found to be in very good condition. Due the cold and silting effects the oxygen level in the water is low and it slows or even stops the effects of corrosion and rotting of the wooden parts. Both CMV and MMI have reported on this a number of times within the last year.






    Yes, I remember that well, it was the same exercise that some Marders of our erstwhile Enemies tried to cross the forementioned stream and as a result were knocked out. On enquiring why they were knocked out the were informed that as a protection to our flank we had laid A/Tk Mines in the stream bed after we had crossed. The Germans did not believe the Umpire, so I led them to the stream, moved a side the gravel and exposed 6-8 dummy bar mines that the veh carried, that I had laid on the bed of the stream. The look on the Germans Faces was a peach.



    Spare Chain Gun Barrel holder on CVRT Sabre, fitted to top of bin on Cmdrs side, tried it a couple of times. Very difficult thing to do with a hot barrel, also the hot steel barrel has a tendency to warp the alloy holder and makes it difficult to remove the barrel once it's cooled. We used a section of scoffolding pipe with a base welded on and fastened to the right side of the Cmdrs seat with exchaust clamps to slide it straight into.



  5. see The Sherman Tank by ROGER FORD page 85 shows the T-34, 60 tubes each with a 4.5 inch rocket. The 7.5inch rocket, the T37 was used in the 20 tube T40 launcher, this was standardised as the M17 and used in Operation Dragoon(invasion of southern France) and in Italy during and after the taking of the Gothic Line.






    For a bit of fun who can name the longest name for the smallest veh/weapon part. I'll start with the following'


    Rack Catch Plunger, Release Catch Cam Retaining Screw.(Rarden Cannon).



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