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Posts posted by Bazz

  1. Some of the tanks on A Bridge to Far, were in fact Landrovers with wood and fibreglass bodies as they couln't get enough roadworthy real ones. slightly of topic,driver of the recovery veh seen on the drive through is my big brother REME attached to Life Guards who supplied some of the AFV crews.



  2. I feel for you mate, same sort of thing happened when getting new bolier fitted, existing pipes wrong size and in wrong place, hole made for flue pipe put in the wrong place and too small, earth fitted to a PLASTIC pipe.


    you have my total sympathy.



  3. Alien,

    ISTR that on the afore mentioned exercise, that the only NATO special force group that was not caught was the British SAS and that when the C130's that were being used for the jump passed over the DZ the men from the Inland Revenue made themselves known and actually inspected the troops dropping in.



  4. Seen many people trying to pass AFV's in convoy and having to pull into the safety gaps thus causing the vehs to brake.


    On one ex in Germany escorting a convoy of 432s a beetle was leap frogging

    between them swerved in between 2 slamming on his brakes to avoid rearending the 432 in front, but forgetting the 432 behind, this one ran over the top of the beetle as it was unable to stop in time.



  5. I know an ex Ordnance Corps chap who served 44-46, who told me that a lot of kit was buried and a lot was dumped out at sea to save the expense/hassle of taking the stuff back to the USA.



  6. Seeing these pics brings back memories of many hours spent doing AFV recognition and gunnery in Ref to 30mm shooting, as this type of veh was the main tgt that we would be using the Rarden against. Heard and given many fire orders in ref to "APC in open/on ridge".



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