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Tony B

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Posts posted by Tony B

  1. Well if Armstrong didn't land on the moon it has to be the world's best hoack. So here is a question with more tangible doubt. Was Gagarin the FIRST man in space or the First to survive?


    There is evidence of radio intercept and some radar plots that infer there were 3 previous launches. Bear in mind it was 1956/7 equipment was crude by modern standards and no satellite surveillance. :dunno:

  2. Yes Nigel, for many years a company called Puddleduck provided the service. their vehicles were special build in Germany somewhere, don't know who though. This year another company has taken over but I haven't seen the new vehicles. I've decided I want to go Tomb Raider and get a LARC.

  3. A few years ago, I worked at a college that was about to be knocked down and the site redeveloped into a new building and facilities to comply with modern building regulations and disabled access.


    The deputy Principle was describing the development to our department and was rather excited about the potential in the............. "Brand New Spanking College" :-o


    I think she got her words slightly mixed up!




    Bet the applications went up though. :evil:
  4. Broadcast over a certain Police forces radio net ' Your vehicle index number XXXXXXXXX Vulva, colour Green, recived' :whistle:


    Whatever happned to the time of innocence when Muffin the Mule was considered childrens entertainment? :roll:

  5. didnt the sunday sport say there was a bus on the moon or mars and if so did it run on time ,perhaps thats how Neil Armstrong really got there


    NOT ME, I do get lost ocassionally but not that bad :cry: Any way if he didn't land on the moon them my Mum got me up ay at 1 o'clock in the morning for nothing.

  6. Oy Oy.. I drive buses.. and no I don't belive in timetables. Buses are a very good useful service to the community. There use cuts the carbon footprint, exhaust emmisions and lessens traffic amounts. Now if we can only get rid of the passengers they will run on time.

  7. Yeah, I come from Jersey, still some bad memories over there. But time passes. Soldiers are still becoming casualties. The next few years will see anumber of vents, next year will be the 90th anniversary of the end of the Great War. 2009 the 65th anniversary of D-Day, 2010 65 since end of WW2.

  8. God. I remember dozens of these as a kid. They were used in Jersey to transport the Jersey Royal new spuds to the docks in the days when they were shipped in wooden drums. all were painted grey. No idea what happened to them or the DUKWs that for years were used to take tourists to Elizabeth Castle.

  9. Woah, idea's snowballimg. Quite right. when you think about it we have a large range of vehicles, which are in demand for all sorts of events. Many times we do it for nothing.. or.. even..PAY :shake: to show them. Surley we could lean on commercial organisers that a donation to service charities is seen to occur. I'm sure many members feel like me that should a local forces charity ask for vehicles it is a duty to try and attend.

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