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Tony B

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Posts posted by Tony B

  1. So send em up for proof house de-ac. After all a Sten would be class 5 till de-aced. But then so were those evil little BB guns the ******** kids use. Until our current Viper in Number 10 changed the ******** Law to make it legal to sell them>>>>>>>> . To Quote ' The labour party is not against shooting' >>> Yeah just make it ******* impossible to own a firearm. :banghead: :argh: :argh: :banghead:


    Whatever passes for normal service will be resumed later, in the mean time..

  2. As far as towing with a 7.5 ton vehicle. The catergory for a licence is C1+E. this allows the towing of a trailer over 750kg weight, if it is braked. As the vehicle can tow up to it's unladen weight. So your looking at about 3 ton towed.

    If you are using a Blazer, you come under the catergory 'Decleared by manufacturer as a vehicle manufactured for towing'. such as Land rover Range rover Unimog etc. A normal vehicle trailer cannot exceed unladen weight of vehicle.

  3. Before my Mother died, one of the last conversations we had she said to me 'When it's all sorted out don't keep all the money buy something you have always wanted so now I have a Dodge 51 and a Land Rover 101 ambulance. Neil were with you mate.

  4. Never mind, there is a plan being mooted to do a concert at Tilbury Fort. first discussion is how many bits of music apart from the 1812 can we get cannons into. But the intial idea is to have re-enactors and kit around to show the Fort through the Ages. All thats neded is to give English Heritage a good kicking.

  5. Neil, hard as it is your last duty is to your Farther's honour and dignity. Afterwards what ever you feel can show. Trouble is you can chose friends not families. I had similar problems, and know how hard to keep things in. Last time my I saw my brother, after my Mother's funeral, I was in a breath of putting him on his back. Since then never seen and no lose. The only thing you have to worry about is the love and respect of those who matter to you.

  6. Sorry should have been more specific, memory you know.. What?.. Live video of the collapse. I was actually at Essex Police headquarters when it happned, first and only time I've seen a Chief Constable lost for words.

  7. Did the black eye clear completly? Before the the days of assualt screens a bus driver had a women, with large breasts and a low cut blouse, and a couple of boysterous kids get on. The kid's were playing up, being sociable the driver said 'their a real handful' (meaning the kids) She hauled of and belted him right across the cab. :clap:

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