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Hair Bear

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Posts posted by Hair Bear

  1. Not quite on the same scale, I have an old quad bike which as an experiment I fitted a cheap gel battery to around ten years ago. Plugged into it is a small (10" x 4" approx) Maplins solar panel hung vertically, facing west on the outside wall of the shed. The bike stands for 6 to 8 months at a time, sometimes a year without even the shed door being opened, but it's never failed to start on the button every time when asked.

    Small beans I know, but proves the tech is out there.

  2. Going back about ten years now, we had a batch of VW T5.1 vans delivered. Almost over night we had piles of near miss reports in the office (which up 'till then were almost unheard of) and almost all had one common denominator.

    Random vehicle pulling out in front of van when turning right on roundabout.

    It didn't take much head scratching to work out why. These were fitted with daytime running lights. These lights were white, 4" x 4", and  21w. The indicator was directly beside it, 4"x3" with a 21w orange bulb. Result - Invisible indicators unless you are viewing from directly in front. Fixed by replacing the drl bulbs with 10w., instant cure. Then we tried some Transits. Oh dear. The drl lights on these are the main beam lights on reduced current! Still the main beam lenses for goodness sake. What are they thinking?

    And what's going to happen when the american idea of the 'drl lights going out every time the handbrake is applied' catches on??? More flashing lights than a cheap 70's nightclub.

    (Don't let on, but I drive a Range Rover).

  3. Led lights are a menace and should be banned outright in public places. The light source is extremely intense yet the ratio of projected usable light is minimal with no true colour. We have led street lights and they are useless, can't walk anywhere without a torch.. You now have to drive on main beam (halogen thankfully) to see anything on side roads - proof being the main roads locally have gone back to orange sulphur type lights. The difference is 'clear to see'.

    Our new night trunkers now come supplied with old style halogen front fog lights under the bumper and spots on top because the oem led headlights and cab top spots  are so bad. You can't necessarily see further with the halogens, but the detail of what is illuminated is far superior and has a greater three dimentional effect with true colour. What looks like a black patch repair in the road with leds will show up as a large pothole with halogen. Chevron boards look like chevron boards whereas the leds just give a blinding white wall of light reflection. Lethal. Don't start me on the strobe effect.

    Projector lenses are useless too. And whats the point of Hid lights that flash when they're switched on? Car approaching, goes under some trees, huge flash of light as the auto lights switch on. That second or two while they focus and level themselves could mean the difference to the oncoming car of seeing the cyclist or feeling a bump in the road.

    Rant over, feeling better, sorry 'bout that that...

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  4. 1 hour ago, attleej said:

    I don't think that it is an octane test.  I think that is done with a special engine that compares the ability of the petrol being tested to resist detonation (pre-ignition).  If the petrol is as good as Octane it is 100 octane petrol.  All of this I think!.




    From memory it's called a Waukesha Knock Engine.

  5. I tried imagining all sorts of things mounted on that panel but gas paint wouldn't have been one of them. So simple!

    So moving on, the pic of the kitted out truck - is the lathe lefthanded or have I got the perspective wrong?

    Thanks .

  6. Hi, In this film Brian Murphy is seen driving a Bedford (M?) truck. It appears to be in Army green suggesting it's been in service, and if you look closely it has what looks like a Nato type hitch to the left of the bonnet on the wing. Was there a hard point behind the wing for the hitch to be used in situ, or is this the storage location?

  7. The reg was backwards on a piece of tape seen on the inside of one of the Nubian Windscreens.

    Unfortunately, little is safe and nothing is sacred. The ramblers questionable 'right to roam' and rafts of bad info on social media regarding trespass laws appears to have given all toerags and lower middle class chavs the god given right think they can go wherever they want and do whatever they like - all very well until they walk into a Norfolk type situation. And you daren't challenge them. They have the camera and report you for being offensive, or return later and torch the place.

    About a year ago, a colleague was in his barn working on a machine and couldn't work out what the whirring noise was. He then saw the drone, buzzing slowly around out of reach in the rafters of the workshop. It eventually disappeared out the door, over the trees and away! Innocent curiosity? Doubt it.

  8. This may be of interest...

    Just browsing through some old Viewmaster reels and found a pic of what I think is a Bedford OY and another MV I can't identify outside Waterloo Barracks dated 1948. If anyone can work out how to get the picture digitized, it is Viemaster reel 1012 'Tower Of London', scene 1.

  9. I've been around at least a dozen E1A majors over the last 30 years, and only found out about the dipstick this morning! Knowing my current tractor had a replacement engine I just had to go and see - and yes, it has TRACTOR stamped on it. 

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  10. Hi, I hope I'm not repeating things. If you need parts for your 4D engine, the serial no. in here should give you the type and year... https://www.selen.nu/cgi-bin/trsnr.pl?lang=en

    Behind the dynamo there should be a casting code, put here to get the day of casting...https://www.selen.nu/cgi-bin/trnr.pl?lang=en

    Interested to know if the dipstick has 'TRUCK' or 'TRACTOR' stamped on it.

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