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Posts posted by G506

  1. I may just add the early war decal on the same sheet as the mid/late war.... since the lid decal is the same.


    It would be cheaper long run because it would save a screen setup fee and most places don't seem to care about how many decals per sheet, just total sheet count.


    Do you have any idea of the size, text or color? I can kinda figure it out, but it would be good to have an original to get it as close as possible.


    Hi Deadline,

    sounds like a plan! I dont know about about exact size, etc, but I will make some enquiries over the next day or so

  2. Warrior,

    depends if you want the engine to look as per ex factory, or post army rebuild; From what I've seen the factory finish for block and head is GMC olive green, in service rebuild is Olive Drab. Ancillaries usually black (starter, generator, etc)

  3. Plus, she's having our twins in April!



    Here's a thought, in a few years time (if you train them right) the youngsters will be able to do all the heavy restoration work, while you sit back directing things, and then take all the credit! Result :-D


    Hello Rob,

    thats the plan! Can you get baby size overalls?

  4. Hello all,

    second attempt up at the shed yesterday, this time success!

    Managed to get one out of the two sections up and in place, with the help of a mate (Pete, as you say, it's certainly a two man job).

    What surprised me was that it doesnt seem to be a compound curve at all, which makes life a whole lot easier.

    I tried to post some pics of the process, but couldnt upload them, in summary gentle steaming at each end with a kettle with the lid wedged open worked well. I made sure the surface going in first was painted to avoid sucking up damp when in place

  5. Please read this:





    I had maintained that the oil filter color was white, and had heard that it was gray, but when I pressed the people saying Gray they could not support their theory. When I came across an article about Chevy civvy oil filters is when the connection between the S-2 and S-6 civvy oil filters beginning life as the Military Senior and Junior filters was made, and the S-2/S-6 filters were gray. This is still a rather unsupported theory because most of the original Gray oil filters shown to me did not have the factory decals.


    If anyone has a factory gray Military Senior oil filter with decals, please post a pic!! To date I have spoken with two people who say they have NOS oil filters, but that they are still in the wrap and they will not open them.


    That is what I can gather regarding the oil filters. Since I am seeking answers and not just opinions (and I regard this as research, not as casual conversation) simply taking someones word at it is not good enough. In my mind until there is proof of a Gray, AC decaled Military Senior oil filter coming out of the NOS wrapper they didn't. It not that I am calling anyone a liar, but I want to be able to say with CERTAINTY that it happened that way.



    I'm reasonably confident that my oil filter colour is original, but as you say, this is unsupported. I cant guarantee its original fitment from 1942, plus there was no evidence of any decal having been there from new. So realistically this is of little use to you.

    I have just one problem; The decal I was planning on using (from Jim Carter) I now know is incorrect so I will hunt around and try to get a new one made. Obviously the early pattern decal has the script ' AC oil filter', but do you have the part numbers that are printed below this?

    Good luck with the research, I look forward to hearing about the results.

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