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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi all.


    For the last couple of days I have been working on the beast - again. Time was running out and my completion date for the repairs is the 27th June as I have no more time before War and Peace. So - had better crack on with it then. LOL.


    Started on the cooling system. Installed the radiator and rad frame - which believe me is a two man job. Then came the brush guard - oh why so heavy. Good job Dave Copper popped in as he lent me a hand - thanks Dave.




    Once this was done, I connected all the hoses, rad stay and coolant pipes. Then filled the rad with water only - in case there were any problems - good job I did because the inlet water manifold sprouted leaks from all but one of the nuts holding it in place. Lots of swearing took place. Had to change the manifold from my old engine. Loads of gunk later, it was back on the engine.


    Then I connected the air filter system and trunking plus some other bits.






    Thought I would go for a start up so had a go - it wouldn't fire for love or money. Had a suspicion the timing was out as the dizzy had been removed etc. Decided to go for initial timing of the engine - which is easier said then done.


    As I was on my own I was unable to watch for the timing marks - which I had the common sense to mark on the flywheel - as the engine span so I resorted to pulling the Ward in 5th gear an inch at a time. Then I would stop, get out of the manatu and check for the timing marks. Took me more than a few goes but eventually found the mark. Once I had re-set the dizzy, it was time to try again.




    The engine sounded sweet as a nut - odd expression - excellent oil pressure which is a bonus.


    After that, I finished with the bonnet covers, cab canvas, whiffletree and other stuff. She was ready for a road test.


    Please excuse the quality of the video. The engine sounds pants in the video and ignore the gear crunching - the transmission oil was cold. That’s my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


    (Video not working - will try to sort it out).


    After I finished, I parked the Ward up with the FV432, ready for War and Peace.




    As you can see it was late when I finished but the good thing is I have completed the repairs one day before schedule. Many thanks for the good chaps who lent a hand and barring any problems - see you at Beltring. I shall be the one sporting the wide Ward La France grin.



  2. Must admit Howard - If I had the funds when you advertised I would have taken her off your hands.


    Don't get me wrong - I love the Ward to bits and wouldn't part with it for anything but it would have been nice to have a modern wrecker to actually have a recovery play with as well. The Ward can do recovery with the right equipment but the problem is finding the equipment.


    When I purchased the Ward from Holland, the chap selling it had a fully kitted out M62 Wrecker for the same money. It have every piece of wrecker kit you could think of from Jump leads to A-bar, anchor plates and pins, shackles, chains, etc. You name it - it had it on the back.


    I actually left Holland having purchased the M62 but on the ferry home I changed my mind having always wanted a WWII vehicle.


    Thats how close I came to owning an M62 instead of the Ward.



  3. Next day I continued on my own. Most of the day was spent re-assembling the engine compartment. This consisted of all ancillaries, piping, electrics, sensors, and other bits. Was cracking on at a great rate and then came to the governor and carburetter. Just about to tighten the two nuts to secure everything in place - oh c--p! One of the bolts had the end missing which made it impossible to secure the carb. Sorry Mike - I did cuss you mate!!!




    So had to re-move everything on the manifold side and then re-move the manifold itself. Now anyone who has ever had to remove a manifold without breaking anything will know it's a hit or miss operation. I am pleased to report I didn't break any studs and the thing came off okay - and without damaging the gasket which is always a bonus.




    Then had to remove the manifold of my old engine - which came off okay as well. Re-assembled and then fitted the governer and carb - again.




    Once the offside completed I moved to the nearside and re-assembled the ancils such as the dizzy, coil, etc. No major dramas there except I have a cracked compressor to water pump pipe but I have a spare.




    I then fitted the fan - the right way round this time.




    Then in was in to the cab area to fit the gear and PTO levers, hand and foot throttle linkages.




    Then it was time to go home because I was knackered. You can often measure the success of a days work by how many bits you have left laying on the floor.






    Whats left to fit - well the radiator and rad frame, gearbox to transfer box propshaft, bonnet panels, rad brush guard and a few minor bits. Then its ready to see if it fires up and runs okay. I've fingers crossed and hopefully the beast will be ready to roll for War and Peace. All in all, it hasn't been a bad job but thank the Lord for mates like Mike, Vince, Dave and anyone else who has lent a hand. If it wasn't for them - I'd have given up long ago.



  4. Hi all.


    Update on the Ward La France M1A1. Work has been continuing on the exchange engine unit.


    First of all - a thanks to the Tootallmike, Vince, Tog Dog and others who have helped and offered help. Much appreciated.


    I took the opportunity to run a paint brush over the engine chassis area as it looked a bit rough and ready. It's by no means an art piece but looks a little better.




    I then was ready to put the engine back in. I did try on my own but considered it too risky as I was likely to damage something as it is an extreamly tight fit. It would have been almost impossible anyway as someone had to operate the machineary and someone else manouvre the engine into place.




    Had to do something else while I awaited the arrival of TTM - so made some tea and re-fuelled the tank. Mike arrived in the evening after swotting up on some study work he is doing.


    We battled away and the engine went back in quickly followed by the gearbox. These are the two jobs I would have struggled with on my own so I was very happy we managed to do them before Mike left - which was quite late.








    Notice the new hair Mike is sporting - not sure if it's dead or alive so I kept fully aware of his movements for the rest of the evening.


    To be continued:

  5. Hi all.


    Just returned from the Bromley show - thoroughly knackered after the 60 mile round trip.


    Met up with Mark Burley and his better half. Mark brought his over-laden Ferret and his Jeep. Never seen it before but must say, the nicest and cleanest jeep I have ever seen. I have never seen such a clean and 100% immaculate vehicle in my history of attending Military shows.


    Well, Top Dog was my Commander for the day and Dave Copper turned out as well. Thanks to them both for the help with the kiddies through the day. Mark was right. From the moment the 432 turned up in the park we never stopped all day. To ensure everyones safety, we never left the 432 or turned our backs as the little loves (and some of the bigger ones) all wanted their pictures taken playing with the 30 Cal.


    Now before someone notices, I know the 432's were not prone to having 30 Cals mounted on the cupola but Dave and I decided to mount one just for the hell of it. Managed to knock up a mount yesterday, whilst doing an oil change on the beast. I am rather proud of it actually - it swivels and everything.


    So, yes - the 432 is now an award winning 432 - lol. Feel a bit naughty when you look around and see people who have spent 100's of hours and thousands of pounds restoring their pride and joys, only for a tracked vehicle to roll up and nick the award just because it is a tracked vehicle. However, we all worked hard during the day so it's nice to have some appreciation from the organisers.


    Oh and the £5 entry did not deter people from attending. I really didn't mind as you get a little plaque and a programme - plus the award came with £50 prize money -


    All in all, a great day. Enjoyed the drive there and back and both the two Daves and I enjoyed showing the 432 to all who wanted a closer look - who were most of the visitors to the show.


    I like to support these local shows, otherwise in a few years they may disappear all together - and that my friends would be a shame.



  6. Hi All


    Received my War and Peace entry tickets and so forth yesterday - Wednesday.


    I am very pleased to report the folder holding the documentation, programme etc had a picture of my Ward on the back - ah, so proud.


    Obviously showing previous award winners Mike.



  7. Here's another Ward La France on milweb.




    Wardlafrance M1A1 series 5 wrecker 1944

    With some recovery gear and Reo trailer. 2100 Daf turbo diesel engine so 12+ to gallon. Excellent condition on the button.

    £6000 ono. Dorset.

    07732 488677 or 01202 691381

    Simon Guppy


    Seems to be a few Wards appearing for sale lately - perhaps news of my mishaps are spreading.


    I think it's quite cheap considering.



  8. Er - too technical for me.


    I am sure Mike can enlighten you too the conversion as fitted in the spare parts Ward.


    I can say the front end has been extended but to be honest, whoever carried out the conversion has done a very good job of it. They even re-routed the front winch propshaft to enable use of the front winch. Many Ward engine conversions lose the use of their front wiches due to space etc.


    I will take a picture of the "other" Ward when I am done the farm again. As far as I can remember, the engine is a Leyland something or other, as fitted to old Scammells - but TTM will be able to give you the full details.



  9. As far as I am aware - there is a crimminal offence of trying to impersonate a member of her Majesty's Armed Forces.


    As I understand it - the offence would be judged as in the intent to commit a crime whilst posing as a soldier, airman, etc.


    Markheliops -

  10. But I will be on business and I don't drink whilst on business and in bed by 21:00:coffee:


    No worries Jack me ole mate - we will try not to disturb you - just leave the beer in the fridge. Oh and leave your wallet incase we run out of the beer.


    Thanks mate.



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