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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Crikey Dave - Far enough away mate -


    Can't help with this one - unless they come down this end.


    There are a few chaps and chapettes down Dorset way etc.



  2. Hi all.


    Noticed this on E-bay.




    Its a picture of TTM's truck - for sale on E-bay -


    Seller is claiming copywrite of the picture being sold -


    Does he not need TTM permission to be selling pictures of a his truck - or is it a free market?


    Seems a little odd to me - not even an award winning Ward La France. Maybe I should see how much it fetches - then put mine up for double the amount. LOL.



  3. Welcome aboard, most PW guys drink beer so when entering turn right for the cafe. The WW2 lads are all in the lounge drinking scotch.


    Welcome to military madness - Nothing unfashionable here - just look at Jack and the mods!!!


    Does that mean as a Ward La France and a FV432 owner - I have to mix my drinks. Will not be responsible for my actions afterwards.



  4. Y'know - I can't help thinking it would have simpler to have hung a caravan on the back of the Ward having first painted it green..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



    NEVER, not in my bl--dy day.

  5. I have had a 3-way fridge box for a few years, as opposed to a fridge that is fitted into the furniture of a caravan. Last year it started playing up, then at W&P it packed up halfway through & I was using runny butter & warm beer. Most of them are 40 or 42 litre, I wanted one as small as possible as its only for butter & beer, the smallest that runs off gas is 35 litres.


    There seems to only one supplier that has 35 litre ones. If you buy direct from the supplier the carriage is £20! However they also sell them on ebay where carriage is £9.99. Every week they seem to release 4 fridges on to ebay. One is for £149.99 on a buy it now but another 3 are listed 3, 2 & 1 day finishes with a starting price of £99.99.




    They then seem to run to £125-135. The panic element is thinking there are only 4 available, but each week another 4 appear. Mine has just arrived & works well on mains & gas. I never use the 12v, apart from all my MVs being 24v, I think the drain at 12v is 7amps. The night before I cool it down with a mains lead & then when I get to the show go to gas.


    I know you can buy second hand & there are no doubt bargains to be had. But with gas, fumes & a burning flame I wanted the reliability of something new. At W&P I wasted a morning repairing the thing & pratting around inside is not a good idea if you are not a service engineer. Having got it going I seemed to have a flame a little larger than it should be & a build up of gas caused a small fire to start in the 9x9. So that would have been a false economy.


    Thanks for the suggestions guys.


    I have looked at these Chris - they seem to be good value for money. Let me know how you get on with yours.





  6. As I understand it - keeping the valve stems 180 degrees opposite each other maintains wheel balance - as previously stated.


    I am one of the "few" who have done it correctly.


    Its a pain to do as the Ward tyres are not the easiest things to fit.



  7. Sunday morning arrived - and it was raining and muggy.


    A few more vehicle owners braved the weather - bless there souls. TTM showed up with Caroline - eventually and without my oil - and then expected tea - can you believe the cheek of some people.


    The day was pretty much the same as Saturday.


    All in all it was a good weekend - more of a meet and greet both old and new friends rather than a public show. The weather didn't really bother Mark and I - cos Ash was making all the tea. Ah, ya got love her - she worked her little socks off whilst me and Mark - er, er, done other things.




  8. Saturday afternoonwas a criminal act of kiddnap and blackmail. Mark and I managed to get hold of Churchill - and hide him.



    He was paraded in the arena by three shady looking kidnappers.




    Eventually released after the ransom had been paid - beer!



    Saturday night was fun. Had an invite to Graham and Tina's BBQ - where both Mark and I ate and drank very well. Infact Mark, Jackie and Graham had been drinking all afternoon in the cider tent - and it showed on there return.


    Only Tina, Ash and I stayed sensible.



    Best make that Ash and I.


    Saturday night turned into a riot and we headed off to the funfair. The Dodgems took a beating and so did I.



  9. Hi all.


    Returned from the Lingfield Show today (Monday) as we couldn't be bothered to pack up in the rain yeasterday.


    Many thanks to Mark and his daughter, Ash, for looking after me - as I do need looking after.


    Mark and I travelled in convoy on Friday morning - the only problem encountered was my throttle linkage fell to pieces due to a faulty nut - faulty because it hadn't been tightened properly during engine install. Oh well, live and learn. A temp repair was fabricated with to plasti-cuffs - thanks Mark.


    Arrived at the site without getting wet - well sort off. We parked next to Graham and Tina (lovely couple) who own a top Scammell Explorer. Most people who attend any type of show with military vehicles will be familiar with them. Many thanks to them for feeding and watering Mark, Ash and I for most of the weekend.







    Through out the rest of the day, various vehicles rolled in but by then Mark and I had started on the beer. Enough said.


    Saturday, it rained, then rained some more, and then rained again. The sun didn't show it's face untill about 1400hrs. By then the military areas were filling up. Not as many as expected, but then again, it was raining.


    Took some pictures, in no particular order as I tried to clear my headache.





  10. Hi all.


    I have been lucky enough to find and purchase a WWII Ben Hur trailer. I have been looking for one as owning a wrecker leaves me with little room to carry all but the bare essentials for a weekend or longer in the field.


    I was also lucky enough to find a rather reasonably priced generator at the Lingfield show so I am off the starting blocks.


    I have the new tent which I brought from Lee and his crew, generator and now I am looking for other mod cons to make my life easier when away.


    First on the shopping list is a fridge (fed up with throwing milk away). Needs to be 3 source powered (gas, electric or 12V). I have been scouring the internet but the selection is vast so do any members have personal experience of a fridge they can suggest.


    Next will be a microwave - cos I'm pants at cooking and it will be a cheaper option than getting hitched.


    Lastly, I really can't be a--ed to get up at 0500 to grab a shower at Beltring any more. I want to have my own shower. After talking with various people, I have been hearing some excellent suggestions on how to rig up a shower unit without much cost and hassle.


    Any ideas on any of the above or other ideas greatfully received.





  11. Hi Jon.


    At War and Peace this year I and TTM assisted a lady called Jackie whose 42 Ford Jeep engine went bang. Looked around the stalls for an engine and spoke to Jeep UK - prices for a Jeep engine were about £2500. I kid you not.


    Anyway, went round the stalls and got talking to Nick from Jeffrey Engineering-




    To rebuild the engine with new pistons. bearings, valves, gaskets, etc and then paint the thing all nice and detailed - £1200 + VAT.


    Very good price I thought and they are well respected for their work I have been informed.


    Then for another £200 they will fit it back into the Jeep, road test and make sure everything is okay.


    Can't go wrong with that - and Nick's a nice chap to deal with.



  12. Quite right Mr Tootallmike.


    Took the Ward by the wings and went up today for a last ditch attempted to get it repaired fior Lingfield.


    Found the problem. The quick release valve (which I haven't got Vince) LOL - diaphram was holed.




    This is the offending diaphram.




    Took the diaphram out of the spare quick release valve on the other truck.


    Everything is A okay now.


    Probably going to be a winter project to renew all brake diaphrams and overhaul the complete system. Never been estatic about the Wards brakes.


    Anyway - see you at Lingfield.


    Mark - see you at the farm.



  13. There is no quick release valve on the front. More likely one of the brake cylinders is leaking. Remember, it is a 60 year old truck, and until you have personally been through and checked/serviced/repaired/restored just about every system, you will occasionally get problems.


    Nearlly there now.... Just you air system, front axle and transfer box to do now!


    Beg to differ young Grasshopper -


    The quick release valve is situated just behind the front winch on the chassis crossmember - Check your manual young man - thats a beer you owe me.



  14. Hold - stop the press -


    The Wards __**_*_ broken again - holy mother of ---jam.


    Went to organise bits and pieces today and when I moved the Ward I applied the brakes and she dumped air from somewhere at the front. Wonder if the quick release valve diaphram is holed?


    Well thats Lingfield messed up then - won't be there after all - sorry Mark.


    Fed up with this -

  15. Many thanks the chris and Mike and Vince and the gent with the spartan witht the floatation screens whos name escapes me at the Mo:confused:.


    It was a good learning experence and i have been pointed in the direction of Andy Baker. But i am in no rush but i have decided on eather a spartan or a smaritan!! just a few more things to sort out and i will start looking to purchase!:yay:



    Hi Grumpygit -


    I wouldn't rule out an FV432 - free fuel, low maintanence, easy to drive, pretty bomb proof, road legal. Cheaper to purchase too.


    Downside - Weight 15 tons - so if you are going any distance - it's a low loader. Then again - I completed 150 miles for one show.



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