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Posts posted by jenkinov

  1. It's possible the diagram in the fuel  pump has failed but it's more likely that there's a blockage or leaking joint in the fuel pipe .....or simply bad fuel

    So get some rubber pipe and disconnect the fuel pump before the fuel filter ..add the hose and put it into a jam jar or fuel canister  of fresh E5 fuel or high octane..turn the engine and see if you draw fuel in to the fuel pump ..if it draws you know you have a working fuel pump ..if not disconnect the hose at the fuel pump..if it fails to draw you know it's 're fuel pump and we can discuss options . To refurbish or replace .


    If it draws fuel up to the fuel filter . Strip and clean the filter then fill the filter chamber with fresh fuel.


    I often find d pouring fuel into the carb to get the enginee running in short bursts will help you draw the fuel through 

     1 make sure you have fresh fuel 

    2 work back from the pump a section at a time ..remove the fuel pipe and clean it 

    3 check the joints 

    4 pre fill the fuel filter 

    5 check the petrol tank ..drain and clean If required 

    6 ensure you have fresh fuel .. I have identified my fuel has gone off so am having to do a full clean and flush .





  2. I have been around motor bikes as long as I can remember.. As a child I was told by my father to always leave petro! In the tank. I had an Excelsior consort and despite long periods stored at my grand parents stable this strategy worked well ....but that was with old petrol and today on both my jeep and the Excelsior in have found the fuel green and petrol tanks rusty 

    Ethanol is hydroscopic so absorbs water.... So the question is should I be running the bikes dry or draining the tanks ..is this the best protective measure moving forward ?



  3. Firstly let's address the issue of firing a shell . ...I have worked the breach on a 25 pounder and 3.5 inch howitzer and with training you can move between both easily .... But when at Bovington a staff member asked us to see if we could fire a pak anti tank gun...we found that loading in the British style would cause injury if tried on the pack ...you needed to  throw the shell in and keep well clear ..

    The answer if you could fire a gun is yes if you had basic training ..but it would take a few minutes plus a few test rounds to use it effectively....without basic training you would be unlikely to be successful.

    In terms of repairing a tank ok will leave others to comment 


  4. Again focusing on alternatives ..and events it's worth looking at the governments own web site on - organising a voluntday day event . A can do guide ..this is a code that has been written and approved by multiple departments to assist in the running of events and . You may be able to pick a route through the guidelines .

    a daytime live  music event for up to 500 people seems to walk through most legislation. ..so a live music event of the 60/70 and the cold war theme ..appears to be fully achievable ....back in the USSR springs to mind ..


  5. Can I suggest a few ideas..

    1 look at The motorist in sideburns in elmet .. This is a garage plus cafe plus private collection which is a destination location for drivers in Yorkshire ... Multiple meets each week

    2 look at the yorkshire wartime weekend .. An annual event ran on a farm ..potentially you could host multiple events











  6. Curious . Without a V5 how can you be confident that the individual selling the vehicle has the legal right to do so ..?. . I have seen situations where vehicles have been claimed years after by previous owners or their families when they argue correct title has not been transferred. . In one instance i saw an item reported stolen years after . The vehicle had been sold multiple times and had different registration numbers .. But the police simply seized the vehicle returned it to a individual who had a recorded V5 .......

    Please be careful . 

  7. Military jackets are normally heavily labelled to assist the quarter masters in issuing the jackets 

    You will usually have a manufactures label ..

    plus Size label

    Plus it's not uncommon to find the  size 're printed on the back of the fabric ..if it's been issued you may find a handwritten number or name ...






  8. Hi .Thank you for sharing your bike with us. It looks very original and will be a great restoration project . 

    You may wish to add it the the Triumph WD  register at wdtriumph.com

    Please  could you share some more photos of the bike and we may be able to highlight a few area for you 

    Such as the field stand ..I am curious I  note the bikes fuel Line has a very large filter are you getting a lot of dirt in the fuel from the tank ?






  9. I have done a lot of comparative work on the Stamping of triumph engines and frames . Initially it was to understand my own bike . But as I have viewed other bikes in particular triumphs it's allowed me to gain a real understanding of the stamps and tell tales on a bike .

    Post war Triumph had a manufacturing success and new Triumphs were in high demand this meant dealers purchased old army triumphs and gave them a new paint job and new lease of life.. Bikes particularly the 3s were often 're engined with 500cc 5s Engines or 3HW engines .. 

    At this point many frame and engine numbers were altered to hide the bikes military history

    ..roll on to today and as military bikes are more valuable . I see frequent alteration of Frame numbers and engine numbers to create a fake military bike .. 

    What I have come to realise is that if you want an undiscovered military bike .. The bikes to look at are the immediate post war bikes.. Those registered in 1946/47/48 and even into the fifties as bikes dropping out of service were disposed of and often 're registered.




  10. Thanks Ron 

    That confirms the Stamping PATTERNS I have seen .. The  2 x 5s engines i saw sold on eBay from Ireland all had the inspectors acceptance stamp but no contract number and whilst it's been a few years since I have seen it pretty sure the 5s in the 3sw frame had no contract number which confused me when I first saw it .

    I had suspected that the 5s engines were potentially spares ..so stamped by the government inspector but not allocated but I can see that theory was incorrect .

    Interesting how the 3sw and 5sw engines have such variances . When they were built in the same factory



  11. Pleased to see it's recorded On The register . Curious was it discovered in Ireland . I recall a few.years ago a number of 5s engines surfaced in Ireland and were sold on eBay ...

    I believe the engines had the wd inspectors stamp but no contract number . I am aware of another 5s engine in a 3s frame near me ... But curious does the bike engine have a contract number ..










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