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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. just a note to let you know what tony is on about:rofl:

    the gent across the road who hit my old landrover bought a new secondhand automatic galaxy:nono:

    he had it a day and somehow it ended up with water in the gearbox and all its electrics:argh::argh:

    and no it wasnt me even my devious mind isnt that cruel:n00b: as i got a slightly better one now


    shame :cool2:

  2. Father was in the RAF as I belive a radio mechanic in Italy

    His uncle was a Lieutenant in the pioneer corps in the far east died August 1945 buried in the Kranji War Cemetery


    My uncle on mothers side served in Burma and I think held the Military Cross but never spoke about it


    My wife's Father was also in the RAF in Italy as a PT instructor

    His brother was a Lieutenant in the 7th batallion Hampshires died July 1944

    remembered on the Bayeux Memorial


    Her grandmother worked in the Royal Arsenal in munitions during world war 1


    Unfortunatly as happened so many times no one ever spoke about anything while they were alive.

  3. Hi,

    it never appeared at the Bournemouth air show due to a loose panel in the undercarriage problem :( though it has apparently been repaired it was waiting to be inspected ??



    Didn't appear at Shoreham either according to the website it's been repaired but not inspected

  4. Had this discussion the other night with someone who works in the recording industry. Diffrence then was people had to sing, now the mixing enginner does it all. Ah the likes of Freddie & the Dreamers... :cry:


    Oh they don't make music like that any more :-D

  5. O ' I wish I could fly, right up to the sky,.........but I can't....'

    'you can't'.........

    O ' I can't...........'



    Ahem,.............yup, I'll get me coat.......:sweat::shake:



    you remember some of the words Does this mean youre the only one what bought the record? :shake:

  6. can anyone help me:idea:

    i have replaced speedo cable and spigot in the gearbox of my 109 landrover and still cannot get the speedo working:argh:

    when the cable is conected to the head and put a drill on cable i get a reading but when conected up to gearbox nothing

    does anyone have a idea please


    and please no coments that you dont need a spedo in a landy as not going fast enougth:cool2:


    Did it work before? If not it might be the drive in the gearbox is slipping. If the old memory is correct its only held inplace by the drive flange on the output shaft of the gearbox the nut may not be tight enough

  7. Still recovering from sunday.But what a day,will post some photos later.One thing though.Some of the race marshalls were easy on the eye.Heres a taster. .............................





    Any more of these pictures and Mark will be selling the WLF and starting motorsport :cool2::cool2:

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