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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. :-DBugger just booked hotel thought it would be full up,What sort of electrickery devise allows thee to talk to us from a field:-D

    come and annoy you anyway.


    Come and say hello cat and patweazle just over the way going up on thursday

  2. They're banning Red Diesel for boats now!?? Why??


    Oh yer, forgot, boating tends to be done by middle class people who like spending time in the country. That's why. Silly me!



    My old Militant had quite a bit of red diesel in it when I got, but I've always used white since. Some people have suggested that it is a Gun TRACTOR. But I think thats too much of a technicality to stand up in court.





    You'll upset CW

  3. Nice one, David.


    Won't be at Ardingly,........seemed to have 'picked up', this flu- snotty chest bug thing thats going about;( joys of going in and out of Hospitals.......... :sweat:already had it a week now :cry:

    looking really now to trying to get fit for w&p next weekend.



    Picked mine up at Kemble had it about 10 days now starting to feel better just in time to recatch it at W&P

  4. Mrs Beckett wouldn't like it if I can't my hair - says that it retains my boyish good looks. And as said before - ]I will be taking pictures of people with no hair - yeah, it ain't funny now is it!:argh:

    - anyway back to the photoshoot..........:-D


    Catweazle already taken and posted my photo so you're to late :)

  5. ahh yes! My switchboard is also faulty, I have a champ one but it does not seem to be able to mate up correctly.


    I shall find a new one at WP hopefully. Also had to do temp repairs on the wiring loom as it has so many failed connectors.


    And now left hand indicator does not flash correctly, and the light switch has its own format of convoy settings.


    but WP and some good time and care and swearing will sort it out im sure!


    Thanks Clive! nice bit of advice with connector sleeves!


    Wots wrong with the switchboard

  6. I have managed to give myself whiplash whilst changing one of the kids beds :shocked:

    am now on diazapam and ibuprofen which is making me feel all high, wobbly and on another planet!

    Sympathy needed :cry:

    poor r-cubed is having to take time off work so he can run the boys around and generally cater for my every need (am going to milk it as much as I can :cool2:)


    You have my sympathy

    poor old r cubed you're going to run him ragged

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