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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. Ok, so I took the Chevy out today for its first run and it decided to rain on the way home. No problem I thought I'll put the wipers on. Now at idle and when cruising they're fine, but when the engine is under load (going up hill or accelerating) they stop. Is this normal with vaccum wipers or could I have a leak in the line somewhere or any other problems :???


    Perfectly normal the champ wipers will all but stop going up a slight incline

  2. I might be a bit thick here. The crank is back from my local engineers, Ive put all the pistons in have just been torquing up the crank bearings. It was then I noticed that I may have made a mistake concerning the con rod offsets, can someone clarify for me please.

    Ive been working with tha engine rebuild pics and info off the G503 and recently the same one printed in Windscreen. On pic 27 of the bottom end rebuild it shows the con rod offset in relation to the centre main bearing. Skinny side toward the main bearing on pistons 2 and 3. Which I have. I cant work out if on pistons 1 and 4 the fat sides are pointing toward the main centre bearing or the fat sides should be on the side furthest away from centre main.:???

    Don't know if this will help. The oil hole in the con rod or squirt hole will go to the thrust side of the piston. Opposite to the split in the piston skirt

  3. Like credit card "tarts", I think our Mark is turning out to be a bit of an "award tart", only going to shows where he knows he can win a prize just for turning up...:whistle:


    He really will be insufferable now. 5 awards now, and he's bound to find another somewhere.


    Mikes got some catching up to do

  4. Any London people want to convoy up on the Friday,thought i might go and make a nuisence of myself,seeing as they upset me last year,Officials need to chill.Another show on the decline,i will count the Landrovers.:-D


    Nothing unusal then :cool2: see you there

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