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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. If Jack had a number 2 or 3 cut style wouldn't matter

    This could be arranged!!!!

    You show him the brake switch arrangement on the Stalwart - and I'll start the engine when you nod the head!!



    We could be in sooooooo much trouble at the plains w/e (if Jack turns up) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

  2. Cripp - you wash your flippin mouth out mister - you wait until I see you on Sunday! And don't you start Chris, you can watch it too!


    - you never know...I may have a different hair style on Sunday :whistle:


    There's something for all to look foward to

  3. Is there a actual rail tunnel matching the photo ? or is that a photoshop creation ?

    It speaks of taking all the scrap steel to be melted down that would have taken lots of truck loads and been noticed on the road as well as at the works by any number of people !


    Heres a link to a picture taken 1904 The small tunnel is the entrance to the Box mine


    And a more upto date one


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