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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. Use a proper face mask. A mate of mine didn't and wasn't well for a long time. Can realy **** your chest


    Make sure that the paint pot is properly attached. Makes a mess when it falls off. been there


    Dont try and spray your tea and dunk a biscuit in the paint :rofl:

  2. What - the battery or the Meemie?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


    Just 'cos some one took film of little Maud terminating a certain pink pillow in 2007 why does everyone think of me when something needs running over??? :??? :??? :???


    I was thinking of the battery but............................

  3. I don't know why Lee, Neil & Me have been singled out for this.


    I was going to say that how do we know it's realy Jack's truck not an imposter. or getting the family to push


    I then thought no a holder of the "Plank" & Leo Sayer look alike wouldn't sink that low.


    Then read the posts stating that it could be an old video



  4. Dave - sorry for being thick or I may of missed something but what is the menu?


    - and can we have seating just for WW11 vehicle owners please:cellphone:

    - and not near the Champ Camp please :help:






    Must be worried about catching Champitis and buying one :rofl:

  5. Lee your doing a grand job,not one i would wont to take on,

    you have educated me i have to say,i cant believe members

    PM you about the odd pictures they dont consider on topic and complaining about it going off topic.this Forum is more like real life conversations than any other forum i know,Its how things happen in the real world.If the members who complain on the above issues feel that heavy about it i suggest there are other forums that run a unrealistic sanatised ,name and shame you if you dare put a word out of place forum.

    just for you.This is the friendly forum and what makes it so is its ability to go on ,off topic very often opening up a fresh thread of imense interest.

    So for goodness sake you people give the man a break.if you dont i will send benny round.


    So there you have it ,off topic picture,more off topic talk ,if you dont like why not PM me.Remember its all just for fun.

    just as a PS anyone else agree with me?


    I'll agree with you Just dont send benny round :shake:

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