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Everything posted by Degsy

  1. L.R Bronze Green is sold in the wholesale paint & decorators stores, they also usually have M.F red and Ford blue.
  2. As I remember it they were a bit flimsy when they were new. :lol: Cheers Degsy
  3. Thanks Kewelde. Cheers Degsy
  4. Anybody tell me the result of the wargame, I missed the last few minutes of the programme. Thanks
  5. I assume you mean the Bedford VAL, I've driven a few of those, both coaches and trucks, not a great success for Bedford but at least they had power steering which is more than can be said for an AEC chinese six I drove in the sixties. What a pig that was :!: :lol: I suppose they would be classed as a 6x2 but this could be rather confusing as usually a6x2 would have 2 rear axles but with only the leading axle driven.
  6. Hi Matt It's not on BBC, it was on S4C last night at 11.05pm, shown earlier on Channel 4 9.00pm. Cheers Degsy
  7. Degsy


    Don't know about shouting from the hip, SHOOTING from the hip sounds more appropriate. :lol:
  8. Whilst we may be covered by insurance and it may be legal to carry people in the back of vehicles it could all end in tears if the vehicles are not fitted with seatbelts and an accident occurs. The insurance co. may try to use this in the case of a personal injury claim to reduce any payment, if this were the to happen there then arises the possibility of being sued personally. Cheers Degsy
  9. Degsy

    Cheap Fuel

    Have a look at http://www.pipelinecard.org it could save you up to 10p per litre on fuel costs. Cheers Degsy
  10. Hi Cara The WC63 weighs 7550lb in old money or just under 3.5 tonnes. Cheers Degsy
  11. Hi Bullitt Underwood made the barrel, Saginaw (a division of GMC) made the receiver,the ball/flame is the US Ordnance dept mark. As I said before type in M1 or M2 Carbine on your search engine . Cheers Degsy
  12. I think you must have some thing wrong Jack, being 6ft you shouldn't have a problem. Cheers Degsy
  13. It's called Ducks Disease, short in the a---e. :lol:
  14. There were RH drive Dodge weapons carriers but only in the early 10cwt version, they were Canadian built but the later 15cwt version although slightly different to the American version was only LHD. Cheers Degsy
  15. H i Cara Have a look at the thread on here about heavy vehicle recovery services. Cheers Degsy
  16. On the Eastern front the shade of camo had to be changed quite frequently as the early snows were a very different colour to mid and late winter snow, similarly spring needed bright shades of green varying through duller shades to yellow in the autumn.
  17. Hence where we are now. Having lots of fun and making a lot of new friends. And spending lots of money :cry: But it is all worth it. Cara x That sums up the hobby perfectly Cara. Cheers Degsy
  18. And there was me thinking it was John Wayne that did it :? :lol: Cheers Degsy
  19. Hi Cara Plod must take a very relaxed view in your area,round here your feet wouldn't touch. :lol: Cheers Degsy
  20. Hi Cara Nice Dodge but how do you get away with parking on the road with no visible number plate or tax disc :?: :shock: :lol: Cheers Degsy
  21. Sorry about that Alien but I had visions of the size of truck needed to take that amount. :shock: :lol: Cheers Degsy
  22. 100,000 gallon's :shock: on a truck :?: :? :lol:
  23. Hi MM Putting a rope on the bumper is not that good an idea if you want the rope to last,they deteriorate very quickly due to the action of weather. Ropes should always be cleaned and dried after use and stored in a cool dark place, even with heavy use as long as they are treated correctly they will last almost indefinitely. Originally the number's were only 'dusted' on not thickly painted, so an aerosol is the ideal way to get the correct finish. Hope this helps. Cheers Degsy
  24. Hi Chris and welcome to another member from God's own country. :lol:
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