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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. I am just filling in the forms for the trip to Uxbridge and still need details from those wishing to attend,I have details for David Ives and daughter ans Nick Johns plus 2 but need names nationalities and vehicle reg numbers for all others wishing to visit,I will be sending the form saturday morning so any details not on the form then will not be able to be added after this date nad Uxbridge were quite emphatic that anyone not on the list would not be admitted

    cheers ,Nigel

  2. I was down in Hemel Hempstead yesterday when it started snowing. It only took an inch to bring the whole town to gridlock. What is wrong with the average driver that they just cannot drive in snow, or realise it is not a good time to be trying?


    just down the road in Rickmansworth is the same,drivers have no idea ,I stopped my land rover and gave a woman in a new BMW a push and once she got going she stopped again to thank me!

  3. - even Nigel made it on his bike (his bike is better looking thou) Vince, Tootall and of course Gritineye - who has become a local legend in Dorchester for sitting atop Steves gun ring on the Mack. BigRedOne in his medic jeep Pete in his Dingo and the R Cubed!




    youre only jealous because everyone else got bigger pics than you


    now stop reading and get on with organising for 2012

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