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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. of the four main gun pits one is not really accessible as it has been turned into a sunken playground at La Hoguette school a second is used for paintball or airsoft cant remember which ,a third is in private ground (probably the one you mention with the bungalow) and the fourth is in the care of the occupation society,this is the one with the murals which I mentioned ,they are in the generator room and were in excellent condition although apparently not any more

  2. Or at least photographed and recorded -I remember as a 12 year old being a bunker rat in the Channel island, I'm sure some of it will have been recorded and even some preserved but I wish I had the photographic technology of today back then -Kodak 126 cameras were a big leap forward in their time but one shot flash bulbs and the high cost of film was a great disadvantage in recording stuff.


    did you see the German paintings in Battery Mirus Guernsey these were really nice survivors which lasted in near perfect condition right up until some low life graffitied over them about 3 or 4 years ago

  3. always find that one easy to remember ,just got to get the order right ,major sargent or sargent major .I know what you mean about the fares we recently booked to go over for the week in the summer and it is costing considerably more than all our recent Normandy trips

  4. the anchor tin throws up another question and that is much archeology can never be more than speculation,on a modern site like this every answer can be countered with a question as people remember but if a pot is found in an ancient site and we are told it is a water pot whose around to say its not.To be honest I think your post war clearing up scenario is most likely although I remember speaking to the former bunker commander from Corbiere,Englebert Hoppe and him telling me how a local family used to invite him in for tea ,this I would imagine was not in the winter of 44/45 when things were at their worst but probably earlier

  5. same for me now ,I want to ask some questions about a possible purchase but just get told the page you are trying to access is not available,you do not have permission to view it

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