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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. what's this about a range wreck at la courtine, can anyone shed some light on the french range targets, i know there's some nice stuff still on those areas.




    the French range targets were discussed a while back and I think the general feeling was that the stuff is there but the French authorities were impossible to deal with,but its still got to be worth a try

  2. I've been in the tunnel under the Church in Guernsey(indeed the church is named "sur l'eglise" but that has nothing to do with the tunnel) on several occasions in the 1960s and 1970s -it was always wet and the only field item that I saw was a small field kitchen -the type drawn by a mule -because of the amount of water bits and pieces such as personel harneses were well decayed certainly not worth recovery.




    I seem to remember that the feild kitchen was one of the items recovered and is now on display in the museum

  3. our series 3 were round , are they not off bigger landys?


    my 2a has rectangular which is standard,although round were I think fitted to some and I have to say I prefer the look of the round even if you cant see anything behind you

  4. as Tony says rumours of hoards of equipment hidden in tunnels in the channel islands are long out of date ,the tunnels did contain plenty but it was mostly cleared years ago mainly for scrap although some was sold as souvenirs there was some stuff left in Guernsey until more recent times but I beleive most of this was cleared by Richard Heaume of the occupation museum several years ago there are however some rumours that a tank may be left in a tunnel under a church and it is beleived that some feid pieces may still be in tunnels but hidden behind rockfalls caused by army demolition charges

  5. news just in from France "the wine market was thrown into turmoil today when they envisaged massively falling profits as the demand for chardonay on Hayling Island ceased overnight"

  6. however the vehicle is restored it will be good to see another peice of rare armour out and about rather than sat in a shed going no where ,obviously the owner should rebuild the vehicle to his own taste rather than have to worry about what others say or think ,looking forward to seeing more


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