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Posts posted by mogmaner

  1. It allready fited with the 2.2, has new head gasket and clutch ,will post some more pics when i go down with the camera ,came with spair engine and hard top ,drives ok so looks like it should not take to long to get it to a mot abble state .

  2. looks like a nise job for the weekend ,now were that mig welder ,wonder if work would let me youse the big lathe to turn the turret ring ,might need a little more than metal spray for the rollers and sprokets.

  3. been askin some of the older staff on my last visit posibly in the woods on the estate ,never sore it run ,youst to drive past it 2 or 3 times a week in the mid 80s looked in pritty good shape for its age .will do some more diging next time im there.

  4. I youst to be a regular at JCB in the mid 80s ,at this time there was a tank sat in the stock yard ,I seem to think it was a chirchill all conpleet bar the main gun having been gas axed ,any one know what happend to it.

  5. Been going through some old photos of my farthers time in the signals atached to the RAF in the early 1950 , notised that all there moters had the RAF roundal on the rear as well as there own markings ,on asking was informed that all air formation signals units carried the roundal and traveld on RAF papers ,thourt this bit of yousles info might be of intrest .

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