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Posts posted by mogmaner

  1. Been watching this tread for a while,seeing as the hand brake is aplied by a ratchet it should be posible to fit a lorry stile sprung on air cylinder to the cable with a discreet lorry hand brake valve ,it would meen you needed a air supply but would give you the requied control on braking ,this should then comply with the requied rule .

  2. can you post the chassy rail dimentions ,a lot of old trucks were made into trailers at the end of there lifes so there may be one lerking on a farm some were ,theres some in a pile a my frends so will have a look this week for you.

  3. you will find that there was a lot of ex mill and pmr radios yoused on the amature bands ,till the modern sets became avalablein the late 70s it was the maine sorce of equipment .I still have PYE westminsters on 4 and 6 meter bands ,my hf recever is a 1155 aircraft set from the 40s got to make the ht power unit so that i can put my 1154 trasmiter into service .once you are on the air ask round and you will find that there is a wealth of info out there . good look Graham G1DNZ.

  4. had a simler prob on my land rover was found to be a pin hole in the hose between pump and res ,blead the steering box for air by going from lock to lock and releasing the bleed screw while on full lock this clear any air from the system, this is best done with a helper then check all pipes . my feed had rubed through agenst the chassy, made a temp fix with a split bit of hose and a hose clip .this might help track the foult .

  5. Have you a picture of the corect rad ,going to newark autojumble tomorow will have a look round for you if i know what to look for ,if this helps let me know ,at the rate your going youl be up and runing befor the end of the year .

  6. just been looking at the calinder and realised that i have to be in Sitingborn to move a load from the show ground sunday evening ,an excuse to visit w&p with some one else paying the fuel then looked at the public days , tipical rong weekend :cry: .hope you all have a good show .

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