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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. My dad drank them all. When he passed away in 1992 he asked to be cremated. The funeral was in Enfield, we watched from a safe distance in Tottenham...only kidding. My dad's cousin was married in to the clan, but only a few years ago her husband decided to get himself a new younger model. My aunt, who died last July, used to get samples sent all the time. She was a devout Roman Catholic and disapproved - so we were pleased to find some nice malts in her drinks cabinet..:-D. Having all the free Glennfidick was very handy for my Dad, my grandmother and several other family members who were all professional alcoholics. It was like a family hobby.:nono: I don't recommend it.
  2. I came across this today in the course of my duties.... As a bona fide MUTT fan, I can't help but share it... It comes from the 1980 film Dogs Of War.
  3. Brilliant! More please as and when you can share it....
  4. I think you've skirted neatly round the politics ban because procurement, privatisation and all that gubbins has been royally cocked up whether the front door is painted red or blue and you've just about covered it. I am guilty for the initial notion anyway, so my moderators profit share will have sunk a few sheckles this week..... I suppose we should just hope that Our Boys and Girls get the best kit, regardless of nationality, and not make do and mend..... MB
  5. I think the special trailer was meant to be integral. It was nice...I rushed around too much in the sleat and missed a lot of stuff which might have looked better on their own wheels. I wish I could wind the clock back and take some of you blokes with me for guidance....
  6. I'm sorry I've not got any better snaps of these types at Beverley. Good thread, though. Education....
  7. I just think it's a bloody shame that 21st century Britain can't build anything like this.
  8. Trouble is, you'd need a replica Monty to go with it and one insufferable sh*t is enough for one millennia.
  9. Here you go.... Press Release The idea of creating a frame of reference in which to organise the participation of associations of collectors and re-enactors in the displays remembering the invasion and the battle of Normandy has given rise to the writing of a “Normandie Mémoire” charter to govern the conduct of such associations of collectors and re-enactors. This charter has been written by the Prefecture of the region and by Normandie Mémoire in consultation with recognised associations and the communities affected by this type of display. This document has as its objective primarily to make the associations and communities aware of the requirements of such a display, which if not organised, managed and regulated risks degenerating into behaviour considered disrespectful to the memory of those who fought, contrary to their values and in complete contradiction to the message of gratitude that France wishes to send to the Allied veterans. The charter will take effect from this year for the 64th anniversary commemorations, the idea being to have it completely operational in time for the 65th anniversary commemorations in 2009. Practical Guidance Re-enactment associations and individual re-enactors must make themselves known to the town hall of each town or village in which they intend to display, and must provide the town hall with a signed copy of the charter which will have the effect of committing the association or individual re-enactor to abide by all of the rules contained therein. The town hall will then inform the necessary authorities of the display. At the time of their declaration the re-enactment group or individual re-enactors must have obtained the explicit permission of the owner(s) of the site(s) where the display will take place and must define and agree with the town hall the details of such display(s), (in particular the dates and times agreed and any public areas to be used) in the form of a written document. This document must be made available to the Police Authority if requested. Insofar as battle re-enactments are concerned, these must be authorised by the Prefecture in advance and in any event must not be held near monuments to war dead (cenotaphs) other memorials or military cemeteries. The wearing of uniforms while carrying weapons outside of pre-agreed displays will not be permitted. Signed and dated 27th May 2008 by M. BART, Préfet de Calvados, and and Admiral BRAC de la PERRIERE, Président of the Normandy Mémoire association.
  10. I took lots more of the METs and the HETs, and also got a ride in the Scammell Crusader with a great bloke named Rob Jones. I took lots more pix which were just plain rubbish and many that repeat the scenes shown. My favourite pic of all these is the forlorn looking desert sand Ferret which I'm sure was going to scrap. The back workshops were litterally brimming with stuff, it looked ransacked. I feel so sorry for Wally Duggan and all the people who worked so hard to make it what it was.I would have liked to have stayed all day to see the convoy leave (and meet the mayoress), but I had to be back in Southend by late afternoon. I managed the drive from Hull to sunny in Essex in a hectic three and a bit hours....in a Toyota Corolla....I pity the poor bugger who bought that car off us. Thanks for the kind comments....it makes it worthwhile.
  11. These are the last two snaps...I hope you've enjoyed this bit of indulgence. I was very lucky to be able to make a unique record of the occasion and I treasure these snaps...MB
  12. Did you spot the dliberate mistake in the last batch? It's the snap of my Iltis' engine bay. The new owner is eagerly awaiting delivery of the beast. Ninth batch of snaps meanwhile.....
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