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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Looks like Gilwell Park in 1968.
  2. Touchy, touchy. Listen mate - I know the Mods biscuits are not for sharing. We have to have some privileges in the Mess that don't involve Jack's coiffure products or bloody tents. But there is a warm glow about sharing food with chums. Just ask 118. There is photographic evidence. Jack brought the greens. Yum.
  3. We can rebuild him! Not so much as six million dollars but four pound seven and six round here - but the biscuits make it worth it.
  4. Yeah well, I've sung a bit of Blues Brothers karaoke with him and was once seen blind drunk and naked in his back garden at two in the morning on a November night. It was a good way of scaring off the Zeppelins, but his wife was not impressed. As Spike would say, John's book has lots of words carefully chosen at random and it is very good. John is well known owner of a caravan and a dillusional sense of humour. He is the member of many organisations, including Legra, which shall remain BLAMELESS; and is an expert on the Swiss Tractor Tyre mountain and blues guitarists from Shoeburyness. He once borrowed 50p off Eric Clapton. His hot tub activities have attracted the interest of the local press, the police and Guide dogs for the Blind. Since he became a famous author (at 2030 yesterday) he has drunk several pints of Hobgoblin beer and eaten a kebab. John Baker has many aliases, he is about so high and has hair. Do not approach him.
  5. What other plants are you growing in that hot-house Jack??? Might explain a few things.....
  6. Count me in for report plus snaps and general knee stuff :-D
  7. I use Guinness for my anaesthetic. Good points. I did forget about the mushroom patch in the shade of the gum trees. Not the place to leave the MUTT. I think I had some of the mushrooms yesterday...it explains a lot. M
  8. Put me down the snaps. I need a decent gig. If this is achievable then whoop de doop. I can understand it having to be a WW2 event to garner any wide interest and for it to be themed properly. I agree with Adrian that it would need a bit of a rally element and not a park-up. But it's not my gas money........ I have never been to tanks in town, so all I've done is seen the snaps. MB
  9. You still haven't had those bloody pictures off me, have you? I'm behind with stuff again. Backed up til next week. Hoping to run the MUTT at the weekend. Life is improving. The pro-tea-drinkers claim they'll be finished on Friday week. Then we get our lives back. M :coffee:
  10. Those three lightweights are Ware, Thomson and Blackman; the famous firm of solicitors. Ambulance chasers to a man.
  11. I believe so, but he had the countenance of a McCain voter delivering pizza at an Obama party. As for the Prof, he is a gent. But he has to pay for his daughter's wedding. Poor lamb. MB
  12. Jack will be angry with me. I met Professor Richard Holmes yesterday during a talk he gave at the Royal United Services Institute in Whitehall. He is an amazing guy - but I'm afraid I baulked at asking him to do a chat for HMVF because he does not come cheap. However, I can tell you that his talk on the Great War was fantastic and I was amazed to note several faces in the audience including Captain Peacock from Grace Brothers amongst others who was frail but determined. It was an honour to be there. I was the only bloke not wearing a jacket, but I did borrow a tie from my pal Lance, which we agreed was a regimental tie for the Catering Corps Kebab Regiment. I'm hoping to catch up with the Prof again next year if some things work out and I would say I was priviliged to have been there yesterday. So thanks to my mate Lance ex-of the Royal Anglians and here's to the next one. MB
  13. Keep in mind that the media - especially specific tabloids are obsessed with the idea that all deacts can be reactivated as much as they are with the lethal dangers of airsoft replicas. The war on all this is long lost and consigned to the vault of If Only. This bloke, wittingly or otherwise, fuels the persuasive and popular (if totally innacurate) argument of the Daily Bile and The Sun. Beware.
  14. Hey Lofty, Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Bad backs are as honourable as bad knees, so join the happy gang in rehab. We have the best biscuits.. MB
  15. Have I snapped you and Monty at Beltring this year and last???
  16. Nice to have you hear Dude. I'm a tea man, myself. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. We do like our Scammells round here - but there is so much more besides. Please keep with us. MB:-D
  17. Yep it's the 4th of November. Time to recall that today is the ninetieth anniversary of the death of Wilfred Owen, Dulce Et Decorum Est and all. He was killed when his battalion attempted to force the Sambre-Oise canal on that terrible day and is buried in Ors Communal cemetery along with many heroes of the attempt including 2nd Lt James Kirk VC, Lieutentant-Colonel James Neville Marshall VC, Lance Sergeant Alfred Hall MM and Captain Angus McKenzie MC & Bar.
  18. Not an easy subject. I sympathise with Mr C.Weazle. Unfortunately the museum probably has to rely on the visit of casual punters more than committed visitors like us. I would be interested to know how much revenue they calculate to lose from images published/placed on the web on sites like this. They hold an archive they make some money on - good and right and proper. They must make some money from publications using snaps of their displays - good also. So I suppose they feel the need/right to secure it all. It must wrankle with official friends and long time visitors. This forum is one of several, I'm sure, which is one hundred per cent in support of the Tank Museum (among others) and I am sure that in a realistic world they would turn a blind eye to the odd snap... especially if it means we all head to Dorset to spend money there. I don't think beggars can be choosers in these economically turbulent times. MB
  19. Hey Rick, you coming to join us at any events when you're over?
  20. Good luck with that one mate. What a beast..... welcome to the friendly forum. Enjoy the facilities, keep your feet off the furniture and do not touch my custard creams.
  21. totally agree. Ok, much of this stuff is hardly exciting - but neither is a procession of jeeps or land rovers if you have no greater love. It's down to the importance of preservation...but I suppose turning up to an MV rally in a Ford Escort estate is a little dull (I remember my army recruiter at Holloway had one with a military registration).
  22. It is the Vampyre dugout outside Ieper. Thanks to Grimmer we are in contact with the archaeologist Iain McHenry and he will be doing an HMVF interview for publication AFTER the programme. He has an agreement to stay quiet beforehand. Whether we can get him to offer any tales of dealing with the TV people is a moot point, but I gather there were some issues. We were supposed to have got this done by now, but there have been editorial problems at Barnes towers caused by professional tea drinkers and a trip out East. I'm trying to secure some stills from C4 as well. MB
  23. I haven't been to Bovy since 1993 when James was one. He slept through it. They had buckets out to catch the monsoon leaking through the roof. James wants to go back. He is right. Good snaps Jack. A bit nearer than Belgium for your tents stall, I suppose. Is it my imagination or did it say Petard mortar in the caption under the object? I'm sure I've read that somewhere...:-D
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