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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Snapper


    Good question. Ilti or Iltie must be the plural. Iltis is German for polecat. There's a joke in there somewhere because the thing is a bit of a stinker at times. I would think a flock of Iltis would be a Pong.
  2. I had a feeling this was you Karl. More in the archive at home. This was at 2005 (I think).
  3. First published in 1992, Ann Taylor's biography of Captain Noel Chavasse VC and Bar, MC; is a stunning book available as a new paperback version. Noel came from a remarkable family of doctors and clerics all of whom were either brave in battle or made a significant impact on the UK. His father, Frank, the Bishop of Liverpool founded the great Anglican cathedral in that city. His three brothers, another doctor, an infantry officer and a padre were all brave in battle. Chris and Bernard won the MC, (the latter missing out on a VC of his own) and youngest brother Aidan was KIA saving colleagues. The Chavasse sisters were war time nurses (one got an MID). But it is Noel who is outstanding. A brilliant sportsman and doctor, a pioneer of combat medical services and tireless in efforts to improve sanitation and health for front line troops, he spent the war with the Liverpool Scottish and having won his first VC at Guillemont close to Trones Wood in 1916 he went on to win the second posthumously at Passchendaele in 1917 even though he could have had a cushy job behind the lines. He is buried at Brandhoek and has a unique gravestone with two VCs engraved. The Chavasse family come out strongly from this book, it is remarkable how one small group of people could be so brave, dutiful and so devoted to their fellow man with strong faith and accompanying morals. Old fashioned, maybe, in this modern world; but we could do with a few more like them in this so called enlightened age. Noel Chavasse is an inspiration.
  4. we can have a whole new branch of HMVF....
  5. That's the fella. I couldn't remember his name really. Daft of me.
  6. The chap in Hampshire who has the grader and an M5 Stuart, who's name has completely gone from my head; has one. He uses it to fill in holes at Beltring.
  7. You'd need a few years under your belt to know what to do with the "things that the every day folk leave behind".
  8. Fantastic news about the M10. I am really looking forward to the event... well done lads. M
  9. I'll do the combat photography. I'm sure I can find a bit of wood that looks like my Kodak Instamatstick.
  10. Even though it's "another" jeep, it is nice to see something different. Another quality item!
  11. The BBC is reporting that two men from 29 Cdo Regt RA were killed in Helmand Province today. Lest we forget....
  12. Sounds like he was an ersatz Womble.
  13. Does this give him the key to the executive wash-room??? If so, can you let us plebs know what is in there?? The last time I used the motor pool latrines after the pancake day dinner-dance I found a lot of foul smelling nappies in there off the Napoli. People had set fire to some floating objects - it was terrible - Towering Inferno meets the Poseidon Adventure. What kind of message are you trying to send to the rank and file?? I think I've got six or seven hundred posts to go, anyway, before I hit a grand. Another year of crunchy "Zal" toilet paper like we used to have in my primary school circa 1966. My old body can't stand it....
  14. Stryker - are you telling everyone here you want me to sell the Iltis and buy a Champ??? What will your mother say?
  15. Snapper


    Andrew has found me. Thanks chaps.
  16. Isn't private military vehicle ownership frowned on in Spain? I'm sure I've read they won't register vehicles in some places. Shame. I remember seeing features, probably in MMI, about restoring Spanish examples of German armour given to Franco. Interesting. The next best thing is a visit to one of the big Vickers gun emplacements built in the 1930s. If you're ever in Menorca, go to La Mola near Mahon. A gem. They have other German guns too, but access wasn't possible last time I was there in 2002.
  17. I think you'll find Kevin Wheatcroft is a pretty quiet totally unflashy sort of bloke. I have never met him or anyone who works for the collection. I just hope he continues to bring his stuff out to shows. The big FAMO is a fine example and I would love to see a line up of all the German half-tracks. But I'm not paying for the gas. He also has a rare Stuart I'd like to see, an M3A3 used by the Brits. dream on.
  18. I'll catch up with you at Kelvedon and we can have a yap about it. Cheers mate.
  19. I bought a job lot of riding crop mirrors from the Dragons Den.
  20. Nice to see the Royal Tank Regiment displaying their new kit. The all wheel drive vehicle is a superb example of British engineering and government efforts to bring the get the best equipment at the best price. They've ordered seven (£350 from Bikeworld - Westcliff On Sea) and a full maintenance package (£22,000,0000 from MuppetMinisterInc).
  21. Good to have you back Jack. We had to chuck out that packet of turkey sizzlers you left in the fridge, but other than that the clubhouse is tidy. We found seven pounds forty two pence down the back of the sofa; we have assumed it was not yours. I hope you didn't buy any riding crop mirrors.
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