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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. You just never know do you?

    You could pass him by in the street and never know of the extrodinary things he's seen and done... I always find it humbling and a privelidge when these chaps talk to me when i'm in the truck about seeing them using them reminising etc... & I've lost count of the number of times family members of the veterans come up after & say "he never talks about the war"

    Gotta be one of the greatest perks about owning a Military Vehicle...


    Love the Swordfish

    My old man who owns quite a lot of woodland (stop drooling Jack)

    has a vintage sawbench he uses for cutting up windfalls which has original Swordfish wheels and tyres on it. We gave the serial numbers to one of the chaps at the TFC Duxford who very kindly looked them up for us.

  2. Cd's on their way to you now Mrs HF thank you and keep the faith...


    See Jack people are rallying to the cause

    the coffers will soon be overflowing


    (I stopped off on the way back from the bank & bought a quarter of jelly tots, a sherbert dib dab and this weeks commando comic so were back to zero at the moment... but it won't be long... chin up)

  3. Nah I can distinguish between elbow & bottom

    so I'd be dangerously overqualified for editorial duties :whistle:


    I do editorial graphics, maps, magazine adverts etc etc dull, dull, dull :sleep:

  4. Stings been on the phone asking what we can do to raise awareness to the plight...


    so with that in mind Mr J's gonna release a benefit album and hopeully raise enough moolah for a new front end

  5. OK. For F sake - I have just spate tea all over my computer screen and my desk - this is a great ending to the week and I have nearly peed my pants :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    You to are off the planet - this site just gets better and better :whistle:



    ..........going to go and check my truck to make sure that the cushion is there and that Bodge hasn't worked his magic with Photoshop. :evil:




    Well I'm sorry that you think i've got nothing better to do with my time than mees about in photoshop





    I haven't by the way :whistle:

  6. My god, don't let JB see that he's already in a delicate state

    Have they released the footage of the cushion with a bleach bottle strapped to it yet





    Since my aborted Bolero mission *twitch, twitch*

    i've had a face longer than a beltring shower que but i've just laughed so loud i woke the kids up... thanks for that :-D

  7. Don't forget postwar musical tastes are accomodated

    say for example... oh I don't know er...


    "3 Wheels on my wagon"


    okay... going to my room now

  8. We must, in these enlightened and liberal times embrace all walks of life and lifestyle choices... gone are the days of shouting abuse at the "bucketeers" who used to follow their calling under a veil of shame...


    "foldy" "floppy" and "pail face" are no longer acceptable forms of address please bear this in mind the next time you encounter one of the

    "canvas swingers"


    Bucket... Beckett... think about it :dunno:

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