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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Whilst our doing the car boot sale thing yesterday morning nr Kendal, my attention was caught momentarily by a large tyre resting in the hedge by the side of the road...

    Oooh, I thought, that looks about a 900x16ish size


    As i zipped past it i craned my neck round only to spy the front end of a Dodge WC52 poking out from under a tree in the verge:-o :-o :-o


    Once i'd recovered from serious neck strain, turning the car round i went back to have a better look...


    A '44 fitted with a fully enclosed cab... looked like a project in the offing. Looked as though it may have been there a while, possibly over night...

    interesting shade of .... erm "baby poo brown"... gloss!


    Anyone on here :dunno:


    I left a note just in case it was for sale... y'never know :-D

  2. You're gonna find everything you ever wanted in about the first 20 minutes...

    You're gonna find your wallet will haemmorrage money at an alarming rate

    You're gonna find yourself drunk, sunburned and having the most fun you've had in a long time


    & with a bit of luck you'll find your tent at the end of it

  3. Jeeps owners - Coke washed down with a bit of shandy.


    Dodge owners - low acholic larger with two shots of redex & a prestone chaser... neat... no ice (naturally)


    GMC owners - Pink Gin for Jack - Whisky for the 'hard men' Jack seems so keen to be in the company of


    Tank owners - what ever they want - respect. agreed


    No fighting or spitting and no picking on the Jeep owners...

    not sure 'bout this one ... we'll see how the evening progresses.... or deteriorates :beer: :beer: :hug: :hug: :banana: :box: :dancinggirls: :died:

  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Tempo-400-Dreirad-Bj-1941-mit-vielen-Teilen_W0QQitemZ330134598848QQihZ014QQcategoryZ29750QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


    Not mine or anything to do with me other than i thought it was quite a cool and unusal thing...

    I don't know if they were ever used by the military (I suspect by the end of the war they were using whatever came to hand). I can just see it full of Volssturm all brandishing panzerfaust!



    Nice colour too (thought of Jack when i saw this...

    I don't know why) :whistle:

  5. If saturday night is the dance then why not Fri night?

    Late arrivals can be welcomed

    (or pelted with cold sausages... depending :whistle: )

    & at jacks request

    it'll be fancy dress a la "officer and a gentleman"

    He's ironing his dress as we speak

    I've got a bad back so someone else'll have to carry him


    anyone bringing a no.7 set :whistle:

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