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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Allied Forces offered me good money to buy my The Pink Cushion when they replaced the seats - I told what I thought of that idea :computerterror:


    ......but everyman has his price :whistle:



    & we know what yours is... if the graffitti on the HMVF staff toilet wall is anything to go by :whistle:


    ... & what are you curious about J?

  2. Ah...a trick question...


    They all 'get it'


    We also need a platoon of 'Jerry' who are all completely stone deaf and couldn't hit a barn door with a shotgun let alone a Patton... erm Sherm'... er.. Tiger...


    I'm confused now... need to lie down


  3. Can I be a gruff 'n' gritty sargeant who reassures the greenhorns they'll do their moms proud and then gets it in the last few minutes of the battle after singlehandedly taking out a Patton erm Tiger firing a 3.5 inch bazooka from the hip.... I've got me own cardboard tube 'n' everything!

  4. A long shot...


    Have you wandered round the truck & checked the tyres havent picked up a rock?

    The cloverleafs on the dodge can get hold of a golf ball sized rock & merrily clatter away as you drive along producing a very alarming & expensive noise... been caught out that way a couple of times :dunno:

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