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Posts posted by berni

  1. nice variety of vehicles you have had over the years, i too have a bedford MW still with aero screens.

    without seeming to biased i have noticed that a jimmy is missing from your list :lol:,

    enjoy the site & I'm sure your uniform experience will be invaluable

    welcome aboard


  2. i had a local recovery firm contact me last week asking if anyone wanted free mixd fuel as they had so much & were running out of room.

    any takers ?

    I'll post the number when i find it in my great filing system


  3. oh dear lee,,,, sorry,,,,,

    i haven't got anything that runs on diesel so don't take much notice of that one.

    our fuel prices have been in the high 90's for such a long time i can't remember what it was 12 months ago, was it about what it is now?



  4. every one makes a big hoo haa when the price goes up but i would just like to say that it is lower now 88.9 than it has been in ages. I can't remember the last time it was below 90p a litre so :-D :-D

    pity it wasn't this low for beltring but better late than never



  5. another female :yay!: :banana:

    welcome aboard, glad to see on here that you like a little :beer:

    ta Berni


    ps i saw this one & had to use it cause i think it is brill


    reminds me of me & my other half & i'm the one on the left

  6. i am compiling an e mail to the group concerned as i don't want to upset any political apple cart & even though some members acted like numpties. it may be the actions of a select few & not be the morals of the group as a whole.

    i am not sure when they will reply as they are just off to Arnham but i will keep you informed when i do.



  7. there are a couple more veterans arriving about noonish tomorrow (thursday)

    hi jack, nice to meet all the Becketts at last.

    i havetries getting more time off work but we are pretty short staffed so i have to wait till 10 ish to see if i can get away.

    if i can make it i will be back at Aldbourne by 11.30 ish

    otherwise i will be a rather sad berni sat at work thinking about 'what if' while smacking my keyboard to hard & giving my drivers calls in a rather loud unfriendly voice.



  8. i can vouch for the above, i was there as well ( woo hoo, what a day).

    but i was saddened when a member of 1 group asked the others if they wanted to join forces & put on a marching display etc & the other group declined saying they had a plan & were sticking to it so no thanks they were going it alone.

    i know a plan is a plan but surely they could see the benefit in having 1 large group rather than 2 with a dozen men in each.

    rowan ( dotty dodge), his dad nigel & myself were made very welcome by the Screaming Eagles & they even let rowan & his dad stand in for inspection. They lent us pens ( to get our things signed), held our cameras, took pictures for us & generally made total strangers ( which is what we were to them) part of the day.

    The other group waited untill all but 3 of us were left before they ventured up into the village from the duck pond & only about 2 of them spoke to us. the contrast was unbelievable.

    maybe they planned on being so rude or maybe they were shy :?

    either way i'm glad it wasn't just rowan his dad & me & them.


    anyway i'll post a woo hoo report in the events section a bit later




  9. we have got a few RLs in our 'posse' & a couple of ferrets, a few landrovers, k9's etc and the 1940's weekend at swindon & cricklade steam railway welcomed all ages of vehicles and all nationalities.

    there are some shows out there who are not 'snobby' .i know this is the exception as opposed to the rule but they do exist.

    we are very lucky in the fact that john & Mandy keedwell (who own a REO)organise many local events & are on so many committees that they try & steer towards 'multi cultural' shows. its a pity they can't be cloned although i'm sure mandy will say 1 JK is enough to cope with.

    all our Gloucestershire area events are 'multi cultural' and everyone is welcome, that is the way we organise & advertise. we have been on the end of the 'snobbery ' when we owned landrovers so know how i feels,it is always going to be there but there are so many other shows to go to that the few elite shouldn't matter.




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