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Posts posted by berni

  1. i did.....

    i spent more than russ for a change

    i got my US uniform which looks real dead smart & then i treated myself to some proper scaffolding to go underneath



    open at your own risk.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :schocked:

    please note this is not a picture of me wearing my purchases but of a rather more slender version of the female species.


    so now i've showed you mine you have to show me yours. ;-)



  2. i'm not quite what can be classed as lady material

    in fact i am unlady material so that rule doesn't count :-D


    as for the fighting talk i have this notion that as long as russ can touch the ceiling he can change all the lightbulbs i require ;-)

    i'll stick to scrubbing floors, with my accident record it is much safer



  3. being a mere female i'm not sure what a light bulb is let alone how to change it :angel:

    anyway thats what i got married for :whistle:


    i saw that loo seat in the sunday paper & thought the designer must have a real boring life to have come up with an idea like that. :dunno:


    and have you decided what is old yet so i know which catagory to put myself into

    at 38 i could start up the tweeny group, not young & not old just in beTWEEN :tup:


  4. we are going to try & meet up with commander at St mere aglise but the itinery hasn;t been finalised as yet so i am not sure of the logistics.]

    they were enthusiastic about the green machines but with the other events planned it will depend on how things work out .

    a hopeful Berni

  5. welcome from another ungirlie girlie,we are out here but you have to look really hard.

    life would be so dull without the green beasties to work on & take to shows. it is such a hard life sitting in a filed surrounded by friends with a never ending supply of beer. ahh roll on the summer


  6. Hi Andy ,

    It sounds like you have tried everything .

    What happens if you pour a little fuel down the carb and then turn her over ?

    If she start's then its fuel or lack of .

    Take the spark plug out of No 1 cylinder and then bring the piston to the top , check at the distributor to see if the rotor arm is at no 1.

    What sometimes happens is , the small drive cog at the bottom of the dizzy has a pin which locates the cog to the dizzy shaft ,

    if that pin has snapped the cog will move but not the shaft in the dizzy ?

    Hope this helps .

    Cheers Russ

  7. as soon as russ gets a few minutes i'll get him to read the above & see if he has any more ideas.

    i know we had some new bits & 1 of them was faulty so even though we had replaced it it still didn't work, i can't remember what bit it was but russ had to take it off, send it back & the replacement worked fine. maybe a possibility?


  8. folk in the 'normal world' think i am insane to be in this hobby & folk in this hobby think i am insane for being in the 'normal world' ( well only on a part time basis)

    what is wrong with an upside down garfield anyway, he seems perfectly normal to me :dunno:


  9. update on a phone call i recieved tonight,

    he is also paying for all 49 people to go into all museums & the 360 cinema.

    he deserves a bit more than a pat on the back, mind you he did say his staff now think he is fantastic & morale in the office has grown tenfold.


  10. last night we had the first of many meetings with a company called E4 based in Bristol who are owned by a really decent chap called Gerard Magee.

    Gerard saw the tv news bulletins back last year about Ted portlock who took money off many legion members for a non existant pilgramage to Normandy for D DAY 2006.

    it was only when my dad turned up on my doorstep, on the friday they were supposed to have left,absolutley beside himself with fury & disappointment that i heard what had happened.

    anyway Gerard saw the news about the court case & as he owns a corporate tour company said to himself that he could take everyone instead.

    so here we are at the first meeting with , as it turned out, me being the only other person in the room who has been to the Beaches making suggestions on where to go & what to see.

    it was really good in the respect that because we will be the only ones on the tour we can go where we wish & because of the circumstances of how it all came about mr G said 9 of his tour guides will be with us as well so it should be fab.

    so, he has now gone away with a list & will put together an itinery for the tue,wed,thu.

    the wednesday will be unbelievable & i will have a big pack of tissues in my pocket because we are starting off with a service in Bayeaux Cathedral at 10am followed by a ceremony in the Bayeaux Military Cemetary. then 17.30 at Arromanche for a full colours service. WOW


    I feel so lucky to have this opportunity & judging by the sense of humour & cheekiness of the over 65's the trip will be unbelievably memorable

    there is so much to say i can't work out what to say & in which order

    but the upshot is

    Myself & the other legion members owe a huge thank you to Gerard for offering his company & services for free to make up for the upset of last year.

    i will post more as details come through .


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