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Everything posted by berni

  1. berni

    goal GMC

    its funny you should ask jack. it should have been tucked up nice & cozy in the barn this weekend but it is going to be saturday now before she comes home. russ had to work saturday morning so went down on the afternoon to blow up the tyres ready for towing back. what we didn't realise was that he would literally blow up the tyres ( well 1 anyway). pumped up 1 front tyre, moved onto the next front one, just got round the back when an almighty bang had russ laying not 1 brickbut enough to build a dunny in which to mess himself. the first tyre exploded on the inside wall. I think a few unprintable expletives turned the air blue & as it was getting dark the trip home is re arranged for this weekend, with the 2 new tyres on the front. We have collected the new canvas & the other bits will be collected from malvern on sunday. we have learnt that the number on the bonnet is the original one. it was discovered by the previous owner when he done a full restoration job on her. We do need to think of a name for her as it seems wierd calling a she jimmy. i'll keep you updated ta Berni
  2. My dad has got his highlight of the year tonight by being the standard bearer for Gloucester/ hardwick RBL. He will take the walk down the famous steps in time with the music & hopefully not fall flat on his face. He needs to have his eye removed & put off having his operation untill 25 november so he wouldn't have to be at the Albert hall with an eye patch on. can't wait to see it ta Berni
  3. active MVT member. i say active cause many people are in groups but don't attend the meetings etc I call these silent members oh and also an active RBL member too. not vehicle related but definatly Military. ta Berni
  4. rabbits would be cheaper ta berni
  5. we got a ural as well as a bedford & the jimmy. wehave gone for the multi national approach :lol: ta berni
  6. berni

    Registering MVs

    we took our Bedford up to Worcester & they did everything there & then. I made an appointment first ( they offered 1 the next day) & a barely out of spots young girl had a look round & said fine , signed the forms & done the deed. simple you can go the longer way & have them come out to inspect but it can take up to 6 weeks.( it did at our time of asking). good luck berni
  7. can i vote more than once as i have more than 1 vehicle? ta berni
  8. berni

    goal GMC

    i am not known for blending into the background so know what it is like . I don't mind being called strange/wierd/un-normal it comes with the hobby I'm afraid I told a group at work that I wanted a field & they all looked at me as though I was purple with green spots & had just asked for the quick route to mars :? what is wrong with wanting a field? M38A1s are sweet anyway just don't let the bigger boys bully you. ta Berni
  9. berni

    goal GMC

    nick, we to have rusting hulks on farms but the ones we manage to save are lovingly restored & probably taken care of better than the husband/wife :? poor Mark, I'm sure we could park 2 deuces at right angles to make a little hidy hole for your m38A1. :lol: mind you it is always a good thing to stand out from the crowd & be a tad different. people always remember the wierd one :wink: ta Berni
  10. welcome aboard poptop, I'm another 109 fan. Mine lives inspain now but she was one of the last of the S3's & served in northern ireland till her release. i'm not a biscuit person but a bowl of fruit would be appreciated, apples in particular. ta Berni the not so bad
  11. berni

    goal GMC

    she is still on the farm at the moment but will be coming home on saturday ta berni
  12. berni

    goal GMC

    She has been stood up for the best part of 10 years so a new master cylinder is on order to ensure the brakes are A1. She came with a new hydrovac so that bit is sorted. lloyd, there are 2 brand new bar treads for the front wheels in the back but as it has just been laid up the owner didn't want to ruin them. Not sure what we will do about the rest of the tyres as yet as they have tons of tread left so may just run for a while with those while we are sorting the rest of her out the screen was taken off as a safety measure and is in perfect condition as it was dry stored. It has got the plastic/nylon 'canvas' on the back & as luck would have it a couple we know had a box body fitted to their GMC over the last winter so had no use for the real canvas which is only 3 years old. a phone call secured the sale so a virtually new canvas will be going on for the summer. we will need a pair of doors though at some point. the engine sounded sweet although the stale petrol stunk to high heaven. thanks for all your good will messages & hopefully you can all get to see her in the flesh next season. ta Berni
  13. berni

    Paint Stripping

    we stripped our landrovers with a household hot air paint stripper & a scraper. very effective but don't leave the heat on 1 place for to long. much quicker than paint stripper on large areas. we then just sanded with wet & dry. regardless of which method you use it is better to take your time & do a good job, as said above cutting corners will come back to haunt you. ta berni
  14. berni

    goal GMC

    I have got an update for you After a chance phone call last week & a visit to swindon this morning we are now the extremely proud owners of a bit of TLC on the brakes, a new back canvas,( just bought in the last 5 minutes) a re spray on the bonnett & there we are. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: we are both so chuffed we keep smiling. More photo's will follow once we get her uncovered and bought home. ooohhhh this is so exiting. ta Berni
  15. thats ok karoshi i was asking for someone else. I will let them know though, shame really. ta berni
  16. cheers karoshi, it was the first few i meant. tanks ta Berni
  17. where is that? is it in Portsmouth? ta berni
  18. NAME rich 66 SERVICE NO 523-45-688? JUMPER MANS (BLUE DRESS) FIBER CONTENT: 100% WOOL CONTRACT NO : DLA100-80-C-2622 STOCK NO: 8405-01-076-1916 SIZE 38R NAME OF SUPPLIER: CENTRE MFG.CO.INC hope that is useful. I'll practise being a contortionist & try & put it all back away now :lol: ta berni
  19. that poor poor Jimmy. ta berni
  20. I'll have to get in the garage & have a look as all the clothes/uniforms are in suit bags with lavender moth balls hanging up for the winter. I'll try to get in there in the next couple of days for you. It is extremelly small & fitted my youngest when she was 12 . she is a size 10 now & can't get it on :!: :!: ta Berni
  21. here are a couple of my dresses on display at an older folks complex . the uniforms are out of shot sadly. I like to wear the day dresses or an over the head apron with a head scarf & have been known to carry a basket around with my ration shopping in it. Many women wear uniform or posh dresses with the fur & hat so I like to be a bit different. Most women during the war only wore a best dress for church/weddings & as make up was in short supply the red lippy would not have been worn during the day while they were doing house work/ shopping so a very simple look was more commomly seen during that time. ta berni
  22. hi Bowie, what part of the country are you from. Us in the south /west are feeling very outnumbered. welcome aboard and I hope you get some useful feedback from the forum. ta Berni
  23. we had a GPMG mount in the front of our Series 3. i'll see if I can find some old photos & in the meantime if anyone else has some pictures feel free to post them. ta Berni
  24. if historic buildings can have preservation orders put on them why can't historic vehicles? ta berni
  25. cuddly garfield could not be mean :lol: I am good, kind, fair, honest & maybe I should change my avatar to Mary Poppins :shock: ta berni
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