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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. I was taliking to a guy at work today who is seriously into RC aircraft and boats. He was raving about the stuff, apprently it is the go to fix when engines etc get damaged.


    If you want to do a proper job... One word.. "BELZONA"

  2. IMG_1868_zpse67a86f9.jpg


    This is whay Iam chasing those smoke dischargers


    They were probably removed for export reasons as they are probably illegal in your country.. check with your Firearms Dept & see if you can get an import licence before going any further in your search for dischargers.. no point buying something that could get seized at the border or land you in trouble with the law..

  3. Accepted




    I can't see there was any need for an apology, 125LAA was simply thanking the "Gents" that had answered his question, at the time of his post no other female had replied to that question.. no issue as far as I can see.. if you think there is please let us know via PM..

  4. You must remember that Smoke discharges are still officially classed under the UK firearms act as section 5 weapons ( prohibited) anyone exporting them from the Uk without the appropriate licence & export documents could find themselves in a world of trouble...

  5. I am trying to register my Renault trm 2000 for the road my only problem is vosa as i dont have a certificate of conformity all the forms i fill in keep coming back to me ie vtg1 iva v55/5 and the last person i spoke to at vosa said i was knackered with out it

    hoping somebody can help


    Welcome to the forum.. Please start a new thread here about registering your vehicle http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/forumdisplay.php?70-Legislation-Licenses-amp-Registration

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