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Posts posted by Wolfy

  1. Hi All,


    In my house move my manuals have scattered wide and far,

    can anyone tell me which manual gives all the necessary tolerances

    and measurements for a rebuild please? :nut:


    I've had all the machine work done.....damn not cheap is it!


    A friend is helping me do the rebuild and I want to source everything in advance.





  2. Currently a lot of Land Rover dealers are refusing to sell 'military' parts to civvy owners....sad but true. There are ways around it of course :-|


    I rebuilt mine quite a few years ago and most came from evil bay or Shows.


    I've not struggled for much, alternators and windscreen wipers can be tricky.


    Never had any issues with 24v, I just put in a dropper for radio and accessories.

  3. Fantastic Keith thankyou, lots to take in. Why would the LAA divisions break up mid war, because of air superiority?


    If he trained as an AA guner I assume he would have stayed in that role rather than say firing a 25 pounder?


    It was just an assumption that the 24 on the picture stands for 24 Field Artillery regiment as I think that regiment was in Egypt and Italy. I think your assumption about 34 LAA Regt RA 8th Army is the closest yet.





  4. I’d be very grateful if anyone can help me with my Grandfather Henry Dance RA history as I’m no expert on this.


    I would really like to paint my Jeep in his units markings if possible. I’m trying to piece it together, below are service photos of him.



    5th AA Div School of Gunnery Course H1. I think this is Reading where he was from.



    Bedford QL I think. Whats the filled in 'P' on the door and S2B ?



    B IHQ 24 Whats this? What would the colours on the board be?



    8th Army shoulder badges, desert clothes, photo taken in Bologna?



    Desert clothes again.



    Grandad has 8th Army badges, others dont?



    Known Facts –


    • Served in the Royal Artillery from 39-45
    • Went to Anzio and was in Italy in 1944
    • Drove a truck towing a gun.
    • Born and lived in Reading, Berks.



    My assumptions (but could be way off) –


    • He stayed in the 5th Light Anti Aircraft Division and was aligned to the 24th Field Artillery Unit in Alexandria – Sub HQ
    • In the 5th LAA he drove the Bedford QL and towed a Bofors 40mm AA gun.
    • An Artillery division would have had several Jeeps?


    Has anyone got any ideas on this and what markings would be suitable for my Jeep, any info at all would be fascinating and gratefully received.


    Many Thanks



    Grandad Dance 5th AA Div.jpg

    Grandad Dance Bedford QL.jpg

    Grandad IHQ 24.jpg

    Grandad Dance 8th Colour.jpg

    Grandad 3.jpg

    Grandad Team.jpg

  5. I mean old used parts like engines, axles etc. Do we pay tax on this? The gov websites are all biased on newish cars.


    Also if I ship over say a jeep project with no wheels or engine and full of bits, is it deemed a car?


    Before the doom mongerers tell me its not possible, its done by companies all the time so I know its possible, just not sure what costs are involved over and above shipping? Anyone done this?


    Thanks :D

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