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Posts posted by Wolfy

  1. Folks,


    I need to get my Jeep body prepped for welding etc.


    I have heard some horror stories of sand blasting ruining the metal and pitting it. Are these stories common??


    What do people recommend for body prep like this? I did all the chassis prep myself with an angle grinder and wire wheels but its too long and painful to do it again.


    Can anyone rcommend anywhere in the Home counties / West London area?


    Thanks :-D

  2. I had a painful time for a while trying to get a certificate of conformity for mine. Land Rover wouldnt issue one due to it being 'MOD spec' but they did give a build date. In the end it was just hitting the 10 year old mark and I didnt need it.


    I found varying levels of help from different DVLA offices, Oxford were better than Reading for example.


    I think youll need all the usual build date, weights, body type etc..





  3. Looking for WW2 era Bren to go with the Jeep to do club re-enacts etc. I didnt realise they were produced for so long.


    I've got several deacs already so aware of new and old spec. I think for the money I'd go for an old spec, £200 seems very cheap for such a gun, if I can find one for that money I'd be well pleased.

  4. I used to love rummaging in scrap yards, it was up there with all lifes great joys.


    I recently visited 3 old yards for general bits of steel -



    • First Yard just had rack upon rack of orderly cars.....very boring.
    • Second yard closed 2 years ago.
    • Third yard opens occasionally but just had a few cars left.

    I rang 3 other steel dealers and none of them wanted to sell to the public.




    Is this a combination of Health and Safety and Commercial values of steel?


    Are there any good old scrap yards selling bits of metal in the South East?


    This is really depressing!


    grrrr :-|

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