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Posts posted by Wolfy

  1. Ok being a radio virgin can anyone tell me what (if any) telescopic radio masts were used in WW2?


    Basically I want one to go with some WW2 vehicles for a display, I'm not too fussed if its post war but looks roughly correct.


    Can anyone advise what is appropriate and where to buy them? It shouldnt be too large and heavy though.


    Many Thanks :-)



  2. OK guys thought I would close this off having now registered the Jeep.


    I'm pleased to say it was an anti climax and straight forward.


    Its now handled by post to Swansea not your local office. No MOT is needed if its an older exempt vehicle.


    I had to send -



    • V55/5 - Just fill in the bits the guidance notes asks for
    • A Utility Bill (proof of address)
    • Age verification letter from MVT
    • Copy of drivers licence (proof of id)
    • Insurance Certificate on chassis number (Needs to be full on the road cover not garage policy)
    • Cheque for £55



    If the car was imported outside the EU -



    • Customs form stating import taxes paid
    • Original log book if you have it.



    A week later I had a Reg number and tax disc :cheesy::cheesy:

  3. Yes it was the one on Milweb. I've seen some photos of a mount for a single gun on the back of a 15cwt truck, it looks a bit like the airborne trailer mount. Does anybody have any more info ?







    I've written about these mounts on here before so do a search as I have ammassed a lot of information and done much research, but in brief the one on the back of the truck (CMP, Bedford MW and apparently WOT2) was called a universal mount and is very different to the airborne mount.


    There was also a universal type mount for the Hispano 20mm gun and a number of trialled jeep towable single mounts that never took off. There was also a 2 wheeled airborne lighweight Bofors 40mm mounting and one survives, very nice mount.



  4. Hi Pete,


    Yes I use G503 but it tends to be mostly US biased, very good for technical info though.


    I have the Farley books both are excellent.


    My hood number was stamped into the frame presumably during an Army rebuild. The wavy inventory plates were stamped with chassis and serial numbers, presumably they were used when vehicles were sold off or when vehicles were being inventorised. Most havent survived.



    inv plate.jpg

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  5. Wow!!! :wow:


    Thanks for taking the time to do that Pete much appreciated. I need to make a decision then.


    The rebuild is nearly done and stencils will be ordered soon. My hood number btw is 20251697, it came with an original inventory plate and the chassis was stamped with this number.


    Its more than likely it was an American operated Jeep but I've always been clear it will be British marked.


    Thank you



  6. If you post the the frame number here there are a number of us who have copies of the Chilwell lists so it may be possible once the British contract number is determined that a block of M numbers could be identified that would be appropriate for your vehicle.

    It really is then just a case of picking a number out of the issuing block that takes your fancy. Registration numbers were issued prior to allocation to unit and during service it was not unreasonable to think that a degree of official re-allocation/un-authorized appropriation went on so it is not possible to trace a particular M number to a unit unless as has been mentioned you copy a period photograph.




    Can you assist with mine please? MB199719 Built 31/12/42 Having done some research I was going for M477xxxx but need confirmation I'm right... Thanks Carleton

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