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paul connor

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About paul connor

  • Birthday 10/20/1978

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    Music Production, Archaeology, Military Vehicles
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  1. I no longer use it but try Facebook. There is a Snatch owners group and it is possible someone may have a spare.
  2. I am glad you made it to Militracks 2024 - it really is a fascinating show
  3. An interesting topic and one I cannot still get a definitive answer for. H category licence is not valid or seems to exist here - they took mine away (track laying vehicle), so not sure what category the Bundeswehr use as they do not seem to get exemptions. This follows the idea of no tracked vehicles on the road, although Kettenkraftrads, M3 Half-track and Hugglands BV206 I have seen with TÜV and registered for road use here. All with tracks. The idea of tracks damaging the roads I think does harm to the ownership as they only leave black rubber marks if the vehicle pads are within wear limits. Full metal tracks would leave surface damage but this would also be very dangerous in the wet - most armour post-war being fitted with rubber track blocks for grip. Armour you can own, I know a few people with FV432's. These do need to be demiliterised which can (subject to state and who inspects the vehicle) involve replacement of armour around the driver with thinner steel to enable small arms to halt a vehicle. It also confuses me as I know several vehicles that are bullet-proof >7.62mm and have not be demiliterised. I feel it is much like dealing with TÜV Nord and TÜV Süd, it comes down to the tester and their common sense or lack of. I found Nord to be very unhelpful with data sheets and Süd to be more than helpful when assisting with military vehicles testing and registration.
  4. I would suggest a freedom of information request to the MOD. They would have both parts lists and manuals. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/
  5. Here are a few images from the MMI article.. I can scan this if you require better quality. There are two Piglets in the article, but this is 17HG99
  6. Hello LarryH57, I would find a hire company you like and email them. I am unsure if you need an International Driving Permit (IDP) if you do not have a photocard style licence so it would be worth checking before you set off to save complications. Militracks does indeed get very busy, especially if you want to ride on a vehicle. When I have been I have found it to be well organised and a great day out. As for hotels in the area I cannot help, but when I visit Ciney Expo I have found AirB&B website very useful and well priced. Regards Paul
  7. LarryH57 - the Lightweights were only used by the 506th, 101st Div in a bridge-laying role and with the mine clearing CRAB flail. But I might be wrong! 😅 A friend and forum member once said to me "the more aerials you see the less chance there is of an actual radio being installed within the vehicle" - which I think is very true. While in the past when I was new to the hobby I have added some now questionable items to vehicles but now I do prefer them to appear as they would in service. My Wolf only has the stickers it was cast with on the body, which I shall replace when it is repainted. I did once run a local show back in the UK, I shall not say where for fear of offending the person in the story, but there was yearly a Willy Jeep entered by a chap. This man would arrive and lay a canvas over the whole vehicle and pile items all over it; it resembled a stall/jumble sale yet this was his actual display. He would get increasingly angry over the weekend as people would grasp and raise items from the 'display' and ask what the price was🤣
  8. I agree with Clive for sure with Marcus Glenn paint. I have painted a lot of things Nato green now and their paint does seem to stay consistent and not vary too much. I did use other suppliers once or twice and ended up with a Land Rover looking like a children's green toy! It is the same issue with olive drab as well! When you find a paint supplier who can supply the right shade works stick with them, as it is very disappointing spraying a great finish only to find the product dries and looks ridiculous.
  9. My grandfather was in the 82/88 AA/AT regiment Royal Artillery in India and Burma. I have a few documents showing troop allocation to vehicles and what each vehicle contains which has his name as a driver/operator.
  10. I thought maybe we can get some more interaction and posts on the forum, so what better way than we all post an image of what Military Vehicle we are currently running or working on. Might encourage some new members to get involved and show off their pride and joy or financial ruin! I'll go first, here one of my projects: 1997 Land Rover Wolf 90 HS FFR (Remus upgrade). Having served most of it's life in Bosnia and Germany it was shipped back to the UK and sold and then shipped back again to Germany where it now is retired.
  11. That's the exact same fitment that mine had, I never thought to question it although I did think it was a weird placement for fuel or water. Clive, If you ever took photos of my old S3 FFR at WP show when it was next to my Pig you may be able to even see it fitted.
  12. I agree it is quieter than usual, maybe this is due to the decline of larger shows and rising costs of purchasing vehicles? Facebook I have deactivated as I found it becoming a vast waste of my time and also pretty negative as an experience with the content. I only now use Instagram but that is for my music alias as you have to self promote in the current era which I dislike, but needs must. I found Facebook to be very inaccurate in regards to advice and expertise, whereas here you generally get more experience and factual replies; which for me is more important. I would imagine the gender imbalance is likely down to what the hobby is, most shows are male dominated but I guess that is the nature of military vehicles. I do wonder if the newer generations in the hobby are less represented in vehicle ownership and there will be a decline in the hobby for a while as younger people struggle to afford ownership and insurance?
  13. Just to add a little - my series 3 FFR also had the can mount between the seats but in line with bulkhead, not like Clive's anti-passenger version, which I quite like!
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