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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. All I can say is that I am stunned.


    You have quite an eye for making a photograph, you really full frame the vehicle.


    At your end does the dockside picture enlarge to a point you can read the VRMs for them?


    It makes being an insomniac worth the while.



  2. Dear Saxmanguy, (oh I how I would prefer to call you by your real name)


    Thank you for posting in here.


    It is true this thread has not been updated. There has been some talk over on the dreaded Facebook about this. There is a gent who posted over the CVR(T) group who was with the vehicles so I assume you will recall him.


    He identified one of the gun variants.


    It is brilliant that you are here offering us your input and knowledge from the time. Please don't hold back, every detail has value and it is a reason I prefer this forum as things as easier to search. It will take me a few coffees and my right fingerprint to find it.


    The fact that you have identified that vehicles were CAST takes a large element of wondering out of the equation.


    Be back soon



  3. I can confirm that the "choke" emblem is the glow plugs, there is no time cut out on this circuit so don't hold it too long.


    We have trouble starting ours out here below minus 15 degrees C.


    I refuse to allow anyone to use ether to overcome this.


    I think the heated window lamp may also be used for heated front windscreen if fitted but not sure.




    PS is the lightweight yours also?

  4. Some of us have half a clue how much work it takes to keep smaller vehicles up and running, when you look at those videos you know there is a pile of spanner time to keep them running.


    Impressive to see that many Abbot SPGs trundling around, but to be honest my fave is the Chieftain roar.


    Thanks for putting it up



  5. We are trying to identify these for friends


    Any ideas? Steel fabricated and painted, no marks or numbers.


    Look like they could support a stetcher


    All seem to be handed the same.


    Knife shown for size, about 3 foot long, possibly American?






    Mystery poles.jpg

  6. I can just here my old mechanical teacher at Farm college saying "never start anything unless you are sat in the operators seat" as I read your exploits of the self directed crane going across the yard, very funny, at least now!


    I guess when you consider that there are no stabiliser legs and it relies on its own mass as counterbalance 10 tons lift is pretty good.


    I like the fact you have a Muir Hill, next you will tell us you have an Eager Beaver as well


    Love the look of the beast



  7. So, from what we can work out it's date into service (DIS) was January 1980.


    It first went to the vehicle depot at Hilton on the 21st of February, is that the date it was received? How come the DIS was the month before?


    So on the 11th of June 1980 it was sent to the 250 Field Ambulance in Hull who as far as I can see were a TA unit. Interesting as it is a left hand drive vehicle.


    It didn't last long there as it was only October of 1980 and it was headed back to Hilton. Perhaps being left hand drive was an issue.


    On the 14th of May 1981 it was headed overseas to Canada to the Ordinance Detachment at British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS), likely a more suitable place for a left hand drive vehicle to be used.


    On the 7th of February 1984 it was sent to British Army Training Support Unit (Wainright) which was predominantly an infantry training area for the British Army.


    On 31st Decemeber 1985 it is noted as going to be part of Exercise Trumpet Dance, this was an annual exercise down in Washington state in the US of A every winter.


    The next entry is 26th September 1990 when it is shown back at Wainright, Alberta. Surely it wasnt left down inthe US of A for all that time?


    What can anyone make out to help interpret the data?


    What was it's original colour, was it matt green as indicated by "colour code 76"?



  8. Dear All,


    I have worked out some of this vehicle's history but I am looking for anyone's input that we can get to further flesh it out.


    This vehicle has recently been purchased, by a friend, ex the estate of another local Land Rover chap for who I made a model of the vehicle many moons ago.


    Here is the PDF that was received, if it doesn't turn out I will edit and repost so standby



    Data Card 1.jpg

    Data Card 2.jpg

  9. Welcome to the forum Robert,


    If you get the hankering for modern British Armour ourselves and the Cold War Collection have a few pieces that may serve as reference material.


    Don't forget to come to the "Aquino" event at the end of May 2015 at the Ontario REgiment Museum when plenty of kit will be on display and moving around.





  10. The major reason for making the effort to find out about this bracket is to be accurate with what is put on a vehicle.


    For myself and many others the idea of putting an item that was issued say in year 2000 on a vehicle that was actually withdrawn from service in 1990 is a clash.


    Being historically accurate is important to some people, it for sure isn't everyone's cup of tea but then I think that is what life is all about.



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