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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. How much would you like for it will be the deciding factor for a lot of people.


    I have two otherwise my hand would be up.


    Frankly for those of us out here in the colonies we don't see such things and most of us would be prepared to pay for it and rebuild the item just because we don't see them.


    You folks in the UK likely trip over them at every turn, at the local boot sales and flea markets and don't give them a second glance.


    Different viewpoints from different perspectives



  2. Charlie, we are in Canada and really don't know what is standard so would benefit from a bit of an explanation as to what it might have come with.


    The only tow vehicles with lifting capability are our Bedford and this didn't come with that or the 436 with the hand operated crane, could it be part of the CES for that?





  3. Dear Tommy,


    welcome to the forum, its a jovial kind of place and most people here are of good nature, that goes for the ladies as well as the chaps.


    Obviously being a train driver the rough ride of the Jeep appeals, can I also suggest the Land Rover as being equally capable of a rough ride. . . .


    Welcome along and have fun, thanks for introducing yourself.



  4. Dear John,


    welcome along, Im sure people will take you up on your expertise with a shovel.


    Perhaps you might increase your chances of being invited if you edit your profile so where you are located is shown in the top right of your posts, it helps.


    This is a friendly place and full of so much information.



  5. Welcome to the world of Ferrets.


    I am east of you, and would be interested in that piece of canvas with the rope around it which is the cover for a Mk1 which I have.


    I would prefer email for comms on such purchases but here is ok also.


    Willingly I will buy surplus bit if I can use them.


    Ferrets are on the upswing these days


    If you want to chat by phone I will happily indulge a call.


    Nice workshop.






  6. Dear John,


    Funny you posted this as I just came back from looking at a Samson that I am starting an involvement with.


    I guess the next thing I am going to do is order up the manual, which leads me to deduce you don't have one either.


    I am thinking you have a petrol Samson?


    I think there will likely be a way to free spool as the whole clobber is run off a PTO.


    Anyway, I have a Samson in private ownership thread running, why dont you post into that with some pictures.


    And lastly, are you the gent who transports the Conqueror around?



  7. Welcome Ericsolo,


    Will your cousin Hans Solo be along to join soon also?


    Nice to see model makers joining, very respectable hobby that is.


    What era do you aim for?




    Robin in Canada

  8. I think that there are lenty of engines around but we in North America do not see them.


    The Brits especially will junk stuff that those of us over this of the pond would be so happy to labour over restoring, little do they realise the value of what they have.


    The input speed issue is the biggest you will face.


    Frankly I would enlist the assistance of a few key people in the UK and get another block found and stick with the orginal.


    the expense involved mucking about doing the conversion and the time asted and the loss of value outweigh the benefit of such a venture IMHO.


    I have a second Ferret that I am breaking and some parts are available but not the engine





  9. Dear Miniwhotsit,


    do you have a real name?


    First of all understand the plain fact that if you thought buying a civvy vehicle might have some mysteries about them then an ex MOD vehicle has the potential for many more.


    Plus if it came out through Withams there adds another layer of possibles.


    If you look at the blue which you say is RAF does it look like the blue on this Land Rover below? If so its a colour used on vehicles doing adventure training where they want to tone things down a bit.


    Honestly there are so many variables with any military vehicle and I am getting old enough to learn "never say never" as someone will post a picture and prove me wrong. As a general rule is what I prefer to say now.


    Please continue to post more images and let us help you.





    batus mt Land rovers colours.jpg

  10. This year, for the second year in a row, I attended the early summer event at the end of May. I was the invited guest of another forum member Al Duffy who is the gentleman behind a major amount of support for the Ontario Regiment Museum.


    He is also a collector in his own right and has become very much wrapped up in CVR(T)s and other modern British equipment that has a connection to the first Gulf War. Infact some of his vehicles have proven Gulf War history or they are presented in such a way as to replicate that vehicles that participated.


    I have been priviledged to know Al for a few years now and work with him when time allows.


    This year as the second year of a major event at the museum site a much larger set of period displays was organised by the museum staff volunteers. We had bleacher seating for this year and an MC with microphone etc.


    The event is getting bigger and gaining momentum. Some of us have attended events in the UK and in the US and see the way to draw the paying public is to have running vehicles fr the public to watch.


    This year the event was coincided with a meeting of AMPS who are the scale model making end of our hobby.


    The museum has put together quite a nice video and I am posting a link to the event here.


    The event has grown and will continue to grow, there are many good people who volunteer their time and haul their vehicles to the event. We are a much smaller population in this country and much less densely located so to draw people and vehicles is difficult.


    Its a grand event. I know of at least one person coming from the UK for next year's event.


    I know others will be along to make some comments in due course.


    A 110% thumbs up all around, and thankfully the weather worked out as well.





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