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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. I am reluctant for a number of reasons to post too much about the import to Canada side of this thread.


    Should any person (outside of Dan, as I know him) want any info then please email me (NOT PM) and be prepared to give me your phone number and some references as to who you are before I will talk to you.


    There is much myth and bull#$%^@ surrounding this subject like a really bad halo.


    There are way too many armchair Generals on this and other forums who stir up way too much aggravation for the rest of us.


    I can get wound up and spin very quickly on this subject, some write about subjects, others actually do it.


    Otherwise, in short, for the casual observer of this thread, military vehicles can be imported to Canada not a problem.



  2. I don't know about timing as it is a bit late now but the elves at Canada Post run a very efficient system whereby if the kids write to him at the address below they write back, neighbours kid wrote this year and bingo back a hand written reply came within a week or so.


    The address is:-



    North Pole



  3. Here are two fire extinguisher brackets, both fit the same type, the one that spanned likely the longest period of time for most of us who have been in the hobby.


    I was up at the Cold War Collection yesterday and saw this newer style.


    The basic differences seem to be a red indicator stem that get broken (I assume) when the extinguisher gets pulled out of the bracket and the other is the release tab has gone from fabric to stamped metal.


    Is this a generational improvement? If so when did they come in to use?


    If if what a usage specific change, what were they used in?


    Where can one get the red indicator stems?


    Some of us are a bit fastidious about getting details correct.


    Any help / explanation gratefully accepted





    Brit FE brackets.jpg

  4. Sean,


    it is a bit difficult to respond to your question for a number of reasons.


    Firstly we dont know where in the heck you live, if you look at the top of the post here that I have made you will see on the right that I am in Canada, fill your public profile bit out with even just a country and that will help. It is pointless to recommend Tim Vibert in Australia as a source if you live in Arbroath Scotland!


    Also condition, do you need new or used? how many?


    See what I'm saying mate? No offence meant.



  5. Dan,


    Sorry I have been without comms and also sick.


    Bob Grundy does sterling work on the export paperwork end, he has done many vehicles and many parts shipment for many people.


    The import at this end is a subject we have had before.


    I have the name of a shipper that Bob will also give you.


    I will try to get a hold of you in the coming days now I have comms again.



  6. Dear Al,


    somehow I really honestly feel you need to prove the whole fuel system from one end to the other otherwise you will be chasing your own tail forever.


    Frankly, as discussed at the dinner last night by those around my table, many of us are of the opinion that we do not use the vehicles we own or are responsible for enough to warrant using the original fuel tank.


    I honestly feel your pain but I would not be a true friend if I didnt bang on about a whole system approach rather than individual components especially as I know that this vehicle is new to you and could be suffering from any number of POSTs (previous owner stupid tricks).





  7. That must have been a hoot to organise Nick.


    I saw the move was a success when I popped my head into the new Shed last week when I was looking for Terry.


    Has there been any consideration towards a new name to reflect the move?


    Nice to see Terry has made it to the internet, if only as the back of him in a photo!



  8. Just a notion that popped into my head a few years ago. In the world there are very few new ideas.


    When working on our New Holland Haybine I noticed that the gearbox that turned the power through 90 degrees had the same type pressure relief mechanism.


    You can find New Holland parts manuals online these days, ours was a model 488.


    Using the online resource the NH part is 572820 and may be worth a look see if your local New Holland dealer has one in stock at a very reasonable price to compare.


    Alternatively Bannisters in the UK may be able to help but give them the FV number in your email





  9. Well, from the looks of it, I will have to be doing a torsion bar adjustment on a CVR(T) all the way round.


    I say this as the vehicle just doesn't have the ground clearance it should.


    Is this just one big laborious bull work task with many repetitions? That is how it looks from here.


    I suppose there is a chance that the bars themselves are maxxed out and we wont be able to get any adjustment out of them.


    Can anyone chime in with comments or observations?



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