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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. I think I have gotten to the bottom of what sparked me to start this thread.


    These pictures are from a Mr A Davidson (and used by his permission as any of you on FB 101 group will have seen) and show his 1 Tonne towing a 105 Light gun, this is where the rumour of a replica started I think.


    Anyway it isn't a replica but a training aid and a non functioning gun now.


    These pictures were taken where the gun lives now.


    Cool to get the shots.



    101 towing gun 2.jpg

    101 towing gun 1.jpg

  2. Dear Ashcollection,


    I have a friend who posts here (sometimes, when he isnt cranky) who works for the Cold War Collection is doing a Saracen and it is going into 321 EOD colours etc.


    I want to encourage them to flesh it out with a wheelbarrow and have the intent to make a replica for them as I think it is such a cool gadget and I recall them on the telly as the latest and greatest hi tech machine in the troubles.


    I am also going to get them to see if they can get a museum loan from the Canadian War Museum of the one in their collection as an alternate idea and to relieve me of work!


    All good





  3. We don't have the best wash down facilities and we had been short shipped a bearing so we took the basic pieces into town and cleaned them there and put it back together. It is a simple assembly and we wanted to use a press for the inner bearing to get it off.


    There is a washer that we flipped over as the John Deere seal we used need clearance that the spacer washer does not allow but has not effect on anything else (we believe).


    Things were all cleaned down and then bagged and we will refit in the New Year as we are on holidays at the moment.


    Honestly, this is a job that anyone can do and should not be considered a deal maker. The parts total are less than $75 for the two bearings and the seal.


    The manuals we use are always photocopied and laminated before going into the shop, that is our SOP now to ensure the cleanliness of the manuals long term.



    Ferret Repair 29.jpg

    Ferret Repair 31.jpg

    Ferret Repair 34.jpg

    Ferret Repair 33.jpg

    Ferret Repair 35.jpg

  4. I have to say the Ferret and the other vehicles that use a fluid flywheel have an aura of gloom and doom surrounding the fluid flywheel and the woes of it's repair.


    This is well justified in the amount of work needed to get at it but the object itself is very robust and is very easily re=buildable by owners with a small amount of tools. If you compare it to a sealed torque converter in a modern automatic then I personally say the fluid flywheel is a superior piece of kit, but then I am not a mechanic or an engineer just an enthusiastic amateur.


    We had the engine supported on the skid on blocks and rigged the gearbox on the shop crane.


    The two were split and then the fluid drained as best as we would.


    Comparing the colour of the pieces you can see the result of the overheat event. The fill plug showed no signs of any fluid and there was scant remnants left and it was very murky.


    We could have replaced the seal without taking the whole unit off the engine as it is supported at the back on a bearing inside the flywheel portion but we suspected that bearing should for prudence sake be replaced at the same time and after getting at it we were satisfied that we were making the right decision.



    Ferret Repair 24.jpg

    Ferret Repair 28.jpg

    Ferret Repair 27.jpg

  5. Have this problem with our FV436 and the CVR(T) vehicles and all the rest with the hand held extinguishers.


    It is our basic SOP that if a vehicle goes on display then the system has to be secured from accidental discharge. To that end we have used good quality zip ties but in the end a sailing gauge of stainless lock wire seems to give the edge. We carry side cutters to be able to activate them if needed.


    The mess and aggravation of a spent system is something we don't want.


    We zip tie bins and CES and quite often find them forced to near breaking point.


    Never under estimate the public.



  6. Howdy,


    sorry, not to be able to help you with the specific (not Pacific), which I think was predictive typing at your end, but I am able to help in other ways.


    If you update your profile you will have your location on the globe fixed and then you might get the "blimey your round the corner mate" replies you so desire.


    For instance I have an FV432 discharger (same as Canadian Lynx but not many people know that) but you are likely no where close to me are you?


    Anyway, Happy Christmas and good hunting



  7. Dear All,


    brilliant responses, it doesnt look the hardest fabrication in the way of a replica.


    I know there is one up the road in the hands of the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, we are shaking their cage at the same time.


    The hardest part would be the tracks, I am trying to think what they might be similar to as a start point for the replica. The rest is fairly simple.



  8. Terry,


    The vehicle had little use since being here, the fuel pump caused issues a while ago and it is always kept fairly clean.


    We split the power pack last night and lots of photos and comments to come over the coming few days, Christmas duties take priority I am told.


    It is not as scary as you might think.


    Happy Christmas



  9. This video shows life inside and outside the wire with so many non standard vehicles it will make your head spin.


    Great shots of Land Rovers and Saracens and Humber pigs and Bedfords and Scammells and the list goes on.


    Well worth the watching, REME wearing their attached unit cap badges and berets, such OPSEC breaches beyond belief by todays standards.


    A real hoot including the wrecker with blues and twos


    Great for Christmas watching when the going gets tough




    Happy Christmas



  10. Aussiecowboy (with no name)


    You are doing what many others including myself have done, Richard makes it sound so simple which it really is if done properly.


    Pictures required for such a thread, always makes it all pretty and we get to see where you work.


    The ferret is such a supportable and great machine. Just ordered seal for the fluid flywheel on our work Ferret and the bearing all locally 1 day away from wharehouse stock.



  11. Dear M109a3uk aka Tony,


    glad to see you on here, thanks for that info, yes I kind of pieced some of that together as general background but specifically we want to know this vehicle's registration, and the bar code on the seat base is the key if anyone has a friend ;);) who has a secret decoder ring decoderI am welcoming PMs and help.


    Am awaiting a scan of the barcode to post up.



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