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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. Yes you are right. Solids on the back, pneumatics on the front. Nice photo.
  2. I posted on the forum a few Months ago a photo of Liberty B that was to be packed into a container for shipping overseas. I can confirm that it has arrived in New Zealand (probably the first one to ever go there) and has been unloaded. The owner (a forum member) has sent me some photos of it which I will post here. The Liberty is probably the most numerous of surviving WW1 trucks but we don't know much about the survivors. Probably because there is only one in the UK and apart from the one in NZ the rest are in the USA and France.
  3. Some members may remember a post on here about a Liberty B coming up for sale in the USA a few years ago. This was purchased by the 1st Infantry Division near Chicago. After no doubt wondering what on earth they could do with it I am pleased to see that the restoration has commenced: They were missing a lot of bits so it will be interesting to see what they have done about them. if you are ever up in Chicago area I would recommend a visit to this excellent museum.
  4. OK. That explains why on the WW re-enacting forum they said it was a he not a she. More of a juicy story for the tabloids if it gets that far. The story does make no sense whatsoever. Why would you buy a deactivated pyro. A badly written load of tripe.
  5. Try Dave Lockard. he is the Packard fountain of knowledge. Send me a PM if you want his contact details.
  6. Lighten up. No one got hurt (well, apart from those that did get hurt of course).
  7. Yes. Peace. I have no problem with Olafs van, or in fact any of the others. I find them quite entertaining. Perhaps a poke at ourselves. Some were a lot better than others. The parcel tape UN made me laugh. It is not like they are taking up space and preventing other vehicles from coming. Do the uneducated come in any great quantity to the event? Well I guess they do, but I meant uneducated about MV's? I would think that most visitors know they are replicas or just a bit of fun. Just about anything goes on at W&P, except for flushing toilets perhaps. I was a lot more concerned with the SS sock demonstration, but thankfully no photos have surfaced of that. Olaf I am really sorry if you have had a bashing over this. I never meant that to kick off when I posted the photos of the UN vans. As I said I thought they were just a bit of fun. Tim
  8. Yes, Richard was a good choice. He has done a great deal over the years. Nice chap too.
  9. Jack is elitist! Crikey, he will be pleased.
  10. Sorry. You are right. it did not serve in the war. It is a US build but I cant remember the make.
  11. The problem with the toilets could easily be fixed. You need to have someone on the door to ensure that customers are following basic hygiene standards:
  12. Sorry. I forgot to mention that both of these are ex War Department ones. One from 1916 the other 1917 and served in France during the war.
  13. I don't know much about these things. Can anybody enlighten me please? Thanks Tim
  14. This is the WD one which was recently restored and lives at Leighton Buzzard:
  15. We have seen a lot of replica WD Baldwin makers plates for sale recently (usual price about £65). I thought it would be interesting to show a pair of Baldwins which have just been imported in to the UK from the Ryam Sugar Mill in India. Both will be restored but I don't think it is going to happen quickly: This one has also come back, but I cant remember the make. Steve will remind me: At the same private collection is this WW1 WD inspection car:
  16. That's very funny. Did they try and move you on again? Which vehicles won the Best British WW2 softskins?
  17. I am told that it is the same one and it is available for a cool £25,000! Form a queue guys.
  18. They appear to have rescanned it at a higher definition and moved the watermark in to the top left corner. A great improvement. Worth watching if you have not seen it yet. Three clips altogether: http://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record/index/45165 http://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record/index/45165/3111 http://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record/index/45165/3112
  19. Here are some more photos. Anybody recognise anything:
  20. Is it the same one? I cant find the original picture now.
  21. I saw jack, but didn't have time for a chat. He was doing some deal about a tent. Also saw Chris G and Bernard. Saw Olafs car. Olaf has set a trend I think. A big UN appearance at W&P this year: Also a lot of MP's This was really nice though:
  22. Not so many caravans spoiling the view. Those that were there were generally well camouflaged or painted. Some were very good: This was good. It went very well with its tow vehicle:
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