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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. May put Jack in a difficult position with copyright, classified, restricted issues etc? Some servers have objected to this sort of thing elsewhere I believe.
  2. Some Saxon Patrols have wings as well. I was told by one member of the security forces that such a vehicle in some quarters was refered to as a 'simplicity' I don't think I want to explain that one. :roll:
  3. I thought I would see what happened if I came on from my wife's PC. I am on it now I could open the forum OK. But doing it from a link in an email gives the error message & OE has to shut down. So it behaves exactly as my PC but what to do about plug ins I don't know. It's not such a big deal I suppose. Because if I follow the link I have a nose around other postings whilst I'm there. So I will take note of the link, ignore it, open the forum, nose around then look at the posting I was notified about. So I can get used to that.
  4. To be on the safe side I cleared my cookies. Then opened the home page ok. I prefer to view as a visitor as it just says "Welcome" rather than when you log in you get that annoying "Hey". When I do log in it often says OE has to close etc when I sent a message to microsoft it replied with: http://oca.microsoft.com/en/response.aspx?SGD=db135871-773f-4e74-ab73-a9f0849c8452&SID=1476 But got a bit pefuddled by the advice given, but perhaps others may be able to understand the advice.
  5. Thinking about it. The problem doesn't seem to happen when I go to the front page myself. But when I get an email about a thread I am watching & I click the link then it seems to be the problem. I just got it when I followed the link to this thread. I just get the top intro lines then it freezes & there is a microsoft message that the programme is not responding. Even when I do the end now option it often doesn't respond until several attempts. I shall ignore email links & go to the home page & then into the topic & see if that is trouble free.
  6. Yup. Does anyone know if TOBIAS is still used? This isn't part of the quiz, I don't know the answer.
  7. I felt I was missing out! But in the last week or so I can't open the front page. The page starts then a grey panel from Microsoft appears saying an error with Outlook Express has occured & the application has to close. I then open up OE again & no problem. It doesn't happen the second time & sometimes I don't have the problem at all. I find no other sites does this happen, only recently on here. If it were a cookie problem why does it always allow access on the second attempt without a fuss? Is this the problem others have had or is this my own special problem?
  8. Yup well done it is a geophone used in TOBIAS - Terrestial Oscillation Battlefield Intruder Alarm System See page 11 of: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/Tabby03.pdf
  9. Hmmh yes but how & what? But here is the giveaway
  10. fv1609


    jagshemash i have big disappoint i come over into U&K to see the much famous hore of the year show but is all ponies & fat legs & not just on ponies! is no what i expect i pay with many rupees & arplicators & give bung bung to custom mans. so i get much board & go visit to cliv, but now he gone retard is very touchy, i go in his shed, he call it his workshop! is very untidy now i no why he so slow to do any thing. i try find out what he keep in his boxes & he shout me “tap and die” doos you think he shoot me for just tapping his boxes? is very strange man. he say borat no stealing, my boxes are private where he keep all his parts, so now i think they are where his private parts are may bee? it not look like he carry round them himself anymore, is a shame. i have found nice little booteak so may bee i get some nice souvenear for my wive & my girl friend, who is really my secertery. is nice you like? you like see my film is show to presidential? chenque
  11. Well done yes. But it is very special sort.
  12. Neil, to give you a sense of proportion. The closet distance between the aluminium rings is 1.3 inches. The double wires that come from it are 9 foot long.
  13. Yes No, much lower voltage Dunno if still in service but was introduced in early 1970s
  14. fv1609


    Neil, normally yes. But the main PC crashed a week ago & new one is getting the software installed gradually but it won't load the acrobat writer. When I can I'll do AB562 sections 1-4 as well.
  15. fv1609


    What about using A.B. 562 (Section 2) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/AB562Sect2.jpg[/img]
  16. Insulator for the radio masts Earthing spike for something Both good suggestions but no
  17. Yes its an electrical device, that is mineral, not used on a missile & not got a grease nipple.
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