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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Bit of a giveaway now? The final clue
  2. Oh I just wondered because it has been known for people to right click on the image, open properties & view the image title. As you may see from those images displayed so far there are red herrings for the unwary ;-)
  3. It does indeed look like that, but the covering would obstruct sunlight. Why did you specifically think of vegatables, not fruit?
  4. Yes, certainly that is one of its features.
  5. Nope Looks like that sort of thing but, nope
  6. A sensible thought. But the view on the right shows the equipment when not operational, the view on the left will show it when it is operational.
  7. Nope Came from a training manual, not following the instructions could have had very serious consequences.
  8. Sorry 'big boy' it isn't that. Does this help
  9. Nope to the tent, but era quite there.
  10. It certainly looks that way but isn't.
  11. It certainly looks like that but isn't. Not 1950s
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