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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Ah I have now found out why I have only been able to retrieve such a poor image. In fact I am quite pleased that I have managed to get any image at all. When you go to http://www.google.com/patents Look at an image, right clear to try to save it. But all images appear as cleardot.GIF. The image can't be saved as this 2kb blank image sits on top of the jpeg underneath to hide it. I don't know when this started, but must be fairly recent. It is not known why google do this to even things without copyright in the public domain. To get the image that I did was to download it as a pdf, then save the image as a bitmap then convert it to a jpeg. But does anyone know a cleaner way of doing it to get a decent image?
  2. Looking at the site plan Commercials have four times the area of MVs. Commercials do not include tractors, they have there own various display areas. So MVs always seem to be regarded as a bit of a fringe activity :-(
  3. Oh and a slight break with tradition, this was made in the USA!
  4. Richard thank you for being brave enough to have a go. Ah you are thinking toilets & water? But nope.
  5. I apologise for the poor resolution, but it does show all the essentials. As a clue, this is closely related to one of the other mystery objects.
  6. Fuel in the sense it was burnt to dispose of it rather than to generate power. Not generally used as fertiliser but sometimes incorporated into roads. :-o This system of seperation of solid & liquid was to satisfy religous/cultural requirements, as in MO No.29. The disadvantage of that was that it was made of wood which easily became contaminated & difficult to clean. This device was made from large biscuit tins & the facilities were placed in rows spaced 3ft apart. They were covered by canvas soaked in kerosene or crude tar oil to keep the flies out.
  7. Oh it isn't a shortage of people with MVs wanting to display. The problem is the shortage of space available to MVs, hence rules about restricting the space an entry can occupy in terms of military tentage only & not bigger than 9x9.
  8. Yes. But why was this & why would they retain the solids?
  9. Not NBC, yes the gravel is a soakaway, but not the other receptacle that materiel was retained. So the question is in what circumstances would this be used & why no soakaway for the other receptable?
  10. Although there are no written rules that I can find. I think squatting would have been the recommended way as you suggest. Even if the use of the installation was for No.1 only, there were always issues with aiming & contamination of surrounding ground. A 1970's manual suggests that equipment such as this should incorporate the placing of shinny metal objects in the centre to encourage aiming. This apparently works very well.
  11. Why do people think I have a two-track mind? As it happens the answer to your question is yes.
  12. I'm afraid I don't know who David Blaines is. Is he a politician?
  13. Just a quickie before GDSF starts. What, who & when?
  14. The great problem is one of space, the military section has got smaller yet our neighbours, the commercials, have a vast amount of space. What has been particularly annoying is exMVs of various sorts done up as campers etc entered as commercials plonking themselves in the MV section. Another problem is there are often Army units with recruiting displays who have been known to plonk themselves in our limited space.
  15. I don't know how you got on with it Richard, but it looks as if the man has forgotten to remove his Long Johns. I think it might be a bit inhibiting to use, unless you get up very early before the public start arriving. The ones that have a solid base surely could be free standing or is its purpose to hold men with pizza bellies up to 1-Ton?
  16. Well it has been unkindly said most of my posts will either be about Humbers or latrines. The object that caught my eye was is Manual of Military Hygiene 1921 24/Gen.No./6529. In many campaigns the British Army have lost more casualties to hygiene related disease than enemy action. But I find that these aspects of soldiering far more fascinating than guns & uniforms. :shake: (I am not a subscriber to the pit latrine newsletter, I think 177 subscribers are enough!)
  17. Is there some way that once a 'future event' has taken place, it can be moved to the into the 'debrief' department? Then the reports flow on from the build up posts & gives a much better continuity as well as avoiding clogging up things with two threads about the same event. Otherwise there are often parallel threads & a lack of continuity. eg Purbeck is covered by: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=4640.0 and http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=5345.0
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