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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Oh Stalwarts & that sort of thing!
  2. Lee I have no idea, it seems plausible. None of the historical descriptions of this building complex seem to mention it nor is it named on map.
  3. Very very close! Although I have a new OS map in front of me it is very poor on giving names of locations. But you're not quite there.
  4. Neil, ever been had? That's what comes of peeping! :rolleyes:
  5. It looks a bit that way, but it isn't.
  6. Neil I'm surprised at you. Is that what they look like? Anyway this building is not one.
  7. What was the original function of this building & where is it?
  8. Neil I think he can build a 12v or 24v module into any distributor that you care to provide...at a price. I found the machining of the replacement aluminium base plate was something that I couldn't undertake. But for the Shorland conversion was a lot easier I just used the existing base plate, that was easy at it was 12v. But before going that way might be worth trying to get it running as nature intended. I can measure ignition HT up to 30Kv so if anyone wants their HT measured I shall be at W&P, also with my Megger if needed! With those two intstruments they can track down lost volts. Not forgetting that a screened system from one plug through distributor to coil adds a capacitance of about 200pf which absorbs some HT that has to charge it up. I have a capacitance meter so can check your leads & also an inductance meter for the coil. I shall have all that stuff with me, if anyone's interested.
  9. Bit of trouble with the sheep today. An incidence of civil disobedience used as a diversion to an escape attempt. So had to increase the border patrols, can't be too careful these days.
  10. So does this apply to MVs visiting W&P then trying to "export" their vehicle back home?
  11. Yes it does, you is de man! :thumbsup: It does just what I wanted & is fairly simple which is important as I have a lot of pages to convert. It will be particularly useful when I am not on an official book hunt & something crops up. Many thanks, I think now I need to get a new front screen as the vertical crack is along the document codes. Paul, I think I have powerpoint but never used it but anyway the problem is solved. Many thanks to all for advice.
  12. No, I didn't get a renewal reminder. I queried it at the beginning of the year. I was told I didn't get a reminder as I had cancelled it the day after I took it out! I was told that I had not been covered. I checked & I had paid on a card last year. So I was hoping mad. I seemed to be speaking to a nit-wit. Later I got onto someone with more sense. Who told me I did pay & I was covered. The cancellation was not in fact me. Someone had pressed the wrong button the year before & debited me twice & made a refund to offset it. Nit-wit looked at the last line saw it was cancelled & a refund made & assumed the "cancellation" was my doing. That was an adrenaline draining morning. But if the cover was operative then I should have had a reminder. Or the reminder person was only able to read the last line on the screen as well?
  13. You are right certainly things like Rover 10 & 11 where chassis specific for LHD & RHD.
  14. Richard, I have two LHD LtWts, one British & one Dutch. Both changed over to RHD without too much difficulty. There were two chassis types for LtWt but it was whether it was GS or FFR, LHD & RHD were the same for each.
  15. Some years ago I attended a show where someone was berated for wearing an Iron Cross on his German uniform as being disrespectful as he had not earned it. The wearer explained that he had in fact earned it & rolled up his sleeve to reveal his SS blood group tattoo! This is true of many sorts of displays to the public. I have noticed this with amateur radio stations. You see an operator with his back to you jabbering away into commercially built equipment (whatever happened to amateur radio?) oblivious to your presence & you just walk away none the wiser. The same with living history displays, so often one wants to engage but doesn't know how to open up the rapport. Although at a recent show there were many Germans & a single RAF group. I commented that it was nice to see the British represented but was told that they would be changing into Germans for the afternoon! On some occasions I am in uniform, I find then it is much easier to engage with a LH group as usually some good natured leg-pull comment is made by either side. But some members of the public do not want to engage. Some don't like what they see, some are just looking to see what it's all about & some just want to use you in a picture & move on. Similarly looking at vehicles they just don't want to know anything about the vehicle just a snap & move on. But you just don't who is out there. I have people who claim to have been beaten up by soldiers in the back of a Pig, yet on another occasion I found I was talking to our local Chief Constable! Very few LH groups seem to have a front of house man ready to engage, but his difficulty must be knowing who wants to engage & who wants to gawp & move on. Most LH groups seem to engage in their own activities, yet others stand almost motionless & one feels perhaps one shouldn't interrupt the serenity of the pose.
  16. fv1609


    I'm sure most of us deep down see vehicles that make us think "oh gawd, why did they do that?". The difficulty is whether to say anything or not, would the comment be appreciated or not? If the comment is slipped in as a kindly & enquiring remark in coversation, then it very often it is appreciated. There is a problem that the vehicles we love & know about the most are the ones that we notice as being perhaps not quite as they were in service. I see loads of US stuff which for all I know is authentic, but may not be so. The trouble is when using a photo to illustrate an example it can seem extremely hurtful to the owner. Or even a poorly worded caption that makes wrong assumptions. Someone has just told me my Shorland appears in one of those 2 mags (which I don't buy) that there are two comments that suggest it is not really authentic & that it is role playing. One of the words used sticks in my mind "guise". In my dictionary that says "pretence". My Shorland's history was explained to the particular photographer, but was ignored. No guise about it I have a picture of it in service & the record card. I doubt if anyone else would have noticed it in the mag, but we can be easily hurt by a strange comment. So I can see that if your own vehicle is held up to scrutiny it is distressing. The only thing about a forum you can answer back, but not so if these comments are in print.
  17. fv1609


    With you on that Wayne, I looked at the Shorlands in the armoured section & was disappointed with some of the information that could have been easily verified before publishing. So lost all confidence in anything else I might read.
  18. The RN had 1 contract for 1711-0784 The RAF had 1 contract for 1711-5782 The RAF had 9 contracts for 1711-3778 These were all 3/4 ton S3 diesels. All RHD except 1711-5782 which was LHD.
  19. Is it because you are a young man, unlike some of this lot on here?
  20. Wayne, shame you won't be at Belters where you can join in being a small fish in a big pond. At least to your credit your not being at W&P is not because you are at one of those Land Rover shows. I took the Shorland to one of those LR mag ones & it really was not my my sort of event at all. Anyway! Yes of course I could crop the jpg before sending it to the phone, I'll try that. I do have a blue dingle dongle or something & that is a headache. So I am saving the stuff into a micro SD card then fitting it back in the phone. The documents are already in 10pt, I could in any case put those in 8pt as I have to put glasses on to read it & it will be less paper to lug around. Thanks for help.
  21. Oh crikey I'm getting really befuddled now Wayne. These words like psion, PDA etc are, I'm afraid, lost on me & reasonable as the suggestions are I can see a whole new learning curve getting into it all. With that comes the time taken doing it which could be spent doing other things. Maybe if I could see one of these things in use it would mean more. Perhaps you could show me at W&P? I like the phone method as that is always with me & the ability to check on a document at any time, rather than remembering to bring another contrivance with me. The problem at present is getting rid of the "turn off full screen" icon. I can drag it to the side of the document but the trouble is when I save the screen shot it transfers the document page with big margins which still contains the icon. So I'll put up with the icon stuck somewhere on the document. The problem remaining is that these A4 documents when displayed cut off some of the top or bottom. Is there a way to display the entire height of the document so nothing is lost when saving to paste the full screen shot? I know I could re-write the lists so that they are shorter but that is a pain, particularly as they are frequently updated with new additions. I don't want to dispense with the full A4 versions as that is what I print off & use in the office for quick reference, which is far easier than using the PC or fiddling around with the phone images.
  22. Ah just twigged. When I am in Word, I then go to full screen, then paste with the Print Screen button. That transfers to the phone just fine. Now if I could find a way to get ride of the "close full screen" icon as that could block out some text.
  23. Chris that certainly worked & curiously it was half the size of the other jpg which it wouldn't open on the phone. Shame that the edging of the PC screen is still there to take up space on the phone screen. If that could be trimmed off would be nice as even on zoom & with glasses on it is only just readable with my eyesight. But certainly a step forward. Its not just at shows, sometimes I come across a book in a junk shop or carboot sale & don't always have the big book with the lists with me, whereas the phone goes most places, hence its rather damaged state!.
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