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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Spot on Sean. The earliest VAOS I have is dated 1940 prior to that items with their description seemed to be associated with a paragraph in Lists of Change in War Materiel. The earliest VAOS index of Sections I have is 1943 when at that stage the sections were quite modest. By 1955 those had expanded into this: Section W became quite diverse to include Sections on sewing machines, water supply, optical instruments, laundries, vacuum cleaners, anti-riot stores, petrol distribution, field bakery etc. I think electrical cables & all that sort of thing ended up in X2
  2. It is indeed curious Sean. I doubt that it is a printing error as that has to have occurred twice. I suspect that it is dual purpose item, which role came first I don't know. I notice in my storeman's book that hand tools are correctly listed in VAOS Section F1, but once the tools become part of a tool kit they go under VAOS Section Y2. Maybe this W2 electrical supply item was available in that designation for general individual use but supplied to R.Signals its Section designation changed to Y2. Seems an awful complication to have two identical items with different stores numbers. But the Royal Navy seem particularly keen on that complication in that many items of supply are based on the parent system they fit rather than the stand alone identity of an individual item.
  3. Y3 makes more sense for this particular application. Illustration below comes from Trade Training Notes. Part 4. Notes for Technical Storemen Royal Signals. Aug. 1955.
  4. Ah yes & I did try to help by mentioning my fingers were frozen to see if got anyone thinking along those lines. They still are actually, very cold outside in the sheds.
  6. It is a silly idea, someone's been peeping
  7. Good idea Wally but if the instructions are adhered to, there should be no wetness.
  8. Annoying isn't Sean When someone gets the answer you'll think yes of course I just hadn't thought of that particular situation
  9. I think the writers of the Highway Code would have something to say about that Derek Bear in mind for infantry it is only 2 in.
  10. Not that Sean. In summary we have the Bridge Load Classes that in this instance does not apply to roads, bridges, ferries, pontoons or boats yet is important for crossing water in certain circumstances. It is WW2 but that is no special clue, but there is a very significant clue in one of my answers that may not seem like a clue.
  11. Very sensible question Sean. These are the maximum Class loads, the listing includes all lower classes. The lowest is "Infantry in single file in open order...........................2 in."
  12. Interesting suggestion but no pontoons are involved.
  13. Wally it is good you are thinking beyond the normal bridge load & bridge situation. Class of load/weight is very important in this situation. Sorry a bit slow to answer had to retype this several times my hands are still frozen.
  14. Trevor good that you are thinking of situations other than bridges. But its not boats & ferries.
  15. Ah so you are there Derek. good idea but nope. Incidentally this is WW2 but that probably doesn't help.
  16. Its not that Trevor. Now for the shock clue. Although it is referring to Bridge Class loads these particular dimensions have nothing to do with bridges.
  17. Interesting one Gordon but its not as complicated as that & not that sort of thing.
  18. Sounds reasonable Wally but its not that.
  19. Sean again interesting possibility but its not that.
  20. Richard sensible thought but its no that.
  21. I thought it wouldn't be long before you joined in Wally as you are rather too good at getting these! Nope its not railway related,
  22. About to go out & do some work on a vehicle. If I don't reply for a while it doesn't mean someone has got the right answer & I'm hiding
  23. Peeping! No Sean just to dispel the belief that everything is to do with latrines
  24. Yes Sean these are classes associated with bridging Not really Sean
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