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Hello all,

My name is Edd Williams, son of member GolfHotelWhiskey (Geoff Williams). I’m saddened to tell you that my father passed away in December. I’ve found some comfort in seeing some of his posts on here and seeing that he was part of your community.


Unfortunately Dad and I didn’t share the same passion in ex-military Land Rovers, radios and field gear. Whilst I always found it interesting I was never as involved as he was. Because he really got into it all after I had moved out from the family home I don’t really know what's what. I just know he had his 110 soft top Land Rover, had a few tents and was into Clansman radios.


I am hoping that as fellow enthusiasts you could help me asses and identify the kit and equipment that my Dad has left behind. There’s a fair amount, that I don’t particularly have a use for and we would be looking for good homes for the majority of it.




Any help would be greatly appreciated by myself and my mother.

Many thanks,

Edd & Lynda Williams

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Dear Edd and Lynda


My sympathies in your loss - I lost my own father in 2013 who was a militaria collector and I know how much is involved. It would probably help if you gave some indication where in the UK you are located


I think he and I were both members of the PRC320 yahoo group so I recognise the name


Best Regards


Iain Moffat

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Edd I'm so sorry to read your post. I felt I knew 2E0WKT as we had several conversations on here about Land Rovers, trailers & radio stuff. As a fellow radio amateur I'm very familiar with losing a friend who one has never actually met. Much as on here where you have friends you may never meet.


I'm sure finding good homes for his collection must seem a bit daunting, there will be some measure of comfort that what he collected will be preserved & give pleasure to others with similar interests. (Don't worry I'm not trying to make a play for it, I am trying thin out my stuff).


Condolences to you & your Mum.

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